Diets for Pets with Kidney Disease: Foods High in Phosphorus

Dedicated to BaBa, a Shih Tzu with renal failure

Pets with kidney disease need special diets low in phosphorus and sodium with moderate levels of protein. Kidney diets available through Purina, Waltham, Eukanuba, IVD, and others. Or, with effort, a little home cooking can allow you to achieve these goals while keeping your pet on any premium food it eats with enthusiasm.

If home cooking, avoiding the following foods high in phosphorus can help your pet live longer: milk, meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, and some grains.

Phosphorus, which means “morning star” is essential for life and is found in all living cells. Phosphorous helps build bones and teeth, in fact, over 80% of your pet’s bones are made of phosphorus. Phosphorus also plays a role in processes that make energy from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

When pets have kidney (renal) disease, they are unable to clear excess phosphorus that naturally accumulates as cells grow and die. Without renal clearance, phosphorus reaches high levels in your pet’s blood (hyperphosphatemia). To prevent hyperphosphatemia, feed pets foods that are low in phosphorus, and encourage water consumption. The following list identifies foods high in phosphorus. One of the sources of phosphorus that pets don’t have to worry about is soda pop, but for humans with kidney disease, pop is strictly taboo.

Foods High In Phosphorus
Milk: yogurt, cheese, ice cream
Meat: organ meats such as kidney and liver from beef, veal, pork
Fish: carp, mackerel, clams halibut, haddock, salmon or sardines
Poultry: chicken, duck, turkey

Vegetables: peas, lima beans, kidney beans, chick peas
Grains: corn, oatmeal, brown rice, bulgur
Baking powder

When possible, use cooked foods for your pet because—except for beef—cooked and baked foods have less phosphorus than raw or lightly steamed foods.

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