Veterinary Clinics

Vet clinics are one-stop medical shops that provide radiology, laboratory tests, pathology exams, surgery, dentistry, vaccinations, and dog & cat wrestling. In order to run the clinic and make a living, each veterinarian needs to gross $250,000 to $350,000 each year. This income equates to charges of $120 to $150 for each client visit. In order to see that clinic income is on target, clinics use software programs that track how much is generated from each appointment and from each client.

To reach an average charge between $120 and $150, clients are encouraged to purchase items in addition to regular veterinary care—items such as flea medications and pet food. Clients also pay for blood tests, fecal tests, ear swabs, microchips, tattoos, anesthesia, vaccinations, and kennel fees.

Are visits to the veterinarian worth what it costs? Definitely most visits are. If you don't feel you're getting your money's worth, change clinics. If you want to convince yourself what a bargain most veterinary visits are, compute what comparable human care would cost. It is so amazing that veterinarians can provide good care at the prices they charge that physicians should pay attention. Especially focus on is how well holistic veterinarians prevent illness so their clients have more money to spend on fun adventures with their pets.

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