Behavior Training: Ultimate Puppy Toolkit
More pets are euthanized or abandoned for behavior problems than for any other reason. Using the Ultimate Puppy Toolkit, anyone with a heart can prevent or change behavior problems. Although its named Ultimate Puppy, everything in the Kit applies equally well to adult dogs.
Inside the Toolkit are 6 booklets, one large wall chart, and a pocket notebook. The information provides guidelines and games that will make your pet a pleasure to live with. The chart details the development of a puppy’s physical and mental characteristics with recommendations for how to promote optimum development.
The 6 brightly colored booklets are simply written, have useful photographs, and are laid out so they make sense. Here’s what they cover:
Start Me Up
Games are not an option—they are a responsibility! What fun. There’s Drop It, Take It, Leave It, Follow Me, Retrieve, and Which Hand. Plus lots of others. There are tips on getting an uninterested pup to play with toys. Many pets available for adoption have never been played with or had toys. It’s heartwarming to watch them learn what toys are for. Essential reading for anyone adopting or fostering pets.
Essential tips for teaching dogs to behave well with all types of people and in all circumstances. Discuses misconceptions, curiosity, and confidence. One of the worst mistakes people make is believing that they will have a better guard dog if they keep it at home and prevent it playing and being entertained by other people or pets. This booklet won’t let you make that mistake. The better socialized your dog is, the better it will be at distinguishing friend from foe.
Junior Obedience
Get desirable behavior right off the mark. Use the right tone of voice. Use commands that work and use releases that signal the dog to relax. Learn what distracts a dog, and how long its attention span is. Behaviors covered include leash walking, sit, down, stand, come, follow, and stay.
House Training
Nothing beats a housebroken pet, and this covers the topic from crate to yard. There are also tips on puppy-proofing your home, back yard time, and handling accidents. For many, this is the most important booklet of them all. Look for it; it’s yellow.
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