Pet Health: Animal Imaginations

Animals and birds have better imaginations than we do. Here are 8 examples:

    1. Bears imagine weight lifting while they hibernate because they don’t lose muscle mass while asleep.
    2. Naked mole rats don’t imagine—and don’t get—cancer.
    3. Birds imagine living longer than Steven Gould and his Harvard theories predict—and they do.
    4. Hummingbirds imagine flying, and they do.
    5. Hummingbirds imagine flying backwards, and they do.
    6. Tapeworms imagine living longer than their dog and cat hosts, and they do.
    7. Dragon flies imagine flying faster than cars driving through school zones, and they do.
    8. Brine shrimp imagine dehydrating to become mere skeletons and rehydrating when placed in water, and they do.

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