Adopting dogs

My friends who adopted the pup Charlie are heroes because they are willing to give a discarded puppy a wonderful life. Like most who have adopted cast-off puppies, they must make up for Charlie’s lack of early exposure to a variety of circumstances. They have twice the work of a family that gets a dog that had an enriching early environment. Lots of work for them, but look at the rewards—they have a dog with a great spirit.

When training adopted dogs, use positive rewards rather than scolding. Treats are the best training tools. Listen to radio programs about training dogs, such as Calling All Pets with Dr. Patricia McConnell. Dr. McConnell also has two tremendously helpful books: On the Other End of the Leash and For the Love of a Dog. Use the training methods in the Whole Dog Journal ( Get support from friends who are also positive in their training methods. Seek the guidance of a holistic veterinarian who’ll encourage the use of Omega 3 fatty acids because fatty acids help the brain develop so pets learn. Feed sardines and fresh ground flax supplements. More than anything, continue what began the day you chose Charlie at the humane society—love him.

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