Long haired cat and cleanliness problem?

My oldest daughter Summer is a long haired cat. I mean SUPER fluffy. Like a big fluff ball. Anyhoo.. once in awhile when she takes a poo, a piece of poo will stick to her butt hair. She absolutely won't let me anywhere near her butt to trim the hair. What can I do? I hate finding turds in the house because they stuck to her butt.
I have a long haired cat as well.He drives me crazy because the litter gets stuck in the hair on his paws and then onto my furniture..You should take her to a vet or a groomer, get her a bath, and have them trim the hair short, very short. I like vets better because they know more about what they are doing. Most vets will groom as well. Try to find a cat vet. I have a vet tha is for only cats and it is great they are all cat lovers!
Take her to a groomer. I really don't see any other way around it. If she won't let YOU near her butt, you should enlist the help of a person trained in animal grooming. Especially since that's just a wee bit unhygienic.
I'm not sure, most of mine run away from me.
If you can't trim the butt hair. take the cat to a groomer. They will be more experienced in butt grooming %26lt;grin>.
get a dog you know what dogs do when they go poo,they lick their butt,probably wouldnt mind extra meal
Take her to a groomers. Or get your vet to do a quick trim of her anal area.
Seems to me that when the stick to the fur it's because the sandbox is not clean and she's afraid to sit for a second before exiting. Could also be the food she's given is not greasy enough to let it go.

Every few months I experience the situation you suggested. I'm not that young yet I can still tackle my cat before she gets too far into the livingroom. I take a good hold of her and carry her like a baby to the bathroom, close the door. run some warm water with one drop of joy dishwashing solution in the water.(this is why you have to regularly trim her nails otherwise you'll get all scratched up) and dunk her butt into the sink and the warm water loosens the mess. I use an old towel to wipe off the water. Then I throw the turd into the potty, clean the sink and spray it with lysol, and leave her in the bathroom till she dries off. Then I clean the rug with woolite foam spray where I remembered she drew her line. Doing it this way is a lot safer than having the vet shave her back side. I had a cat once who had that problem, the vet shaved her and she bit him, and he hauled off and smacked her and broke the cat's jaw. Have fun.

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