looking for a free cat to good home?

go to petfinder.com.this is a site for rescue groups.just enter your Zip code, and be AMAZED at how many great choices you have !!.i adopted a Great Pyrenees mix from them, and my dog Sylvester is awesome !!.check it out.try it.do a good deed.adopt a cat today !.good luck to you, in your search for a cat as a new pet !!
try the pound if you get one there you will be saving one or maybe the local newspaper or try call a local animal clinic sometimes people give the Kittens to give away or post signs on animal clinics doors
a good home wouldnt take "free" cats - a good home would go to the shelter and adopt a cat - because free cats generally cost more in the long run - and a good home is smart enough to know that.
For one thing a free cat isn't really a good idea you should take it to the vet get it checked out to make sure its healthy, The vet than will charge you for needed shots, and spayed or neuter. If you adopt from a shelter you are more likely to get a healthy cat, who has been fixed, with the required shots, and possibly 2 free vet visits. ( thats at least what one shelter gave me when I adopted a cat ) you also should consider all the needed food and supply costs to care for a cat which isn't free. Before adopting a " free" cat consider all the other things that cost money .
idk..but mah kitty was on petfinders.com %26 she costed $$$! i didn't find her on petfinders till day after we filled her adoption applications. Then she was at the "adopted" section already. ,..u can get a FREE kitty from ppl u know r if any of ur family, friends or their friends know any1 who had a pregnant kitty-they might give u 1 for free. But even if the cat is free u still have to pay for spay/vaccinations/rabies %26 other health related..Also, i heard it's NOT best to get1 from the store.Good luck %26 u should def get1, they're worth it!:)

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