lost cat and the other cat is depressed and crying.?

don't know if i should get another cat and if so should i get a kitten or a cat closer to her age. she is 1 1/2 years old. we lost budgie when she ran out the door and we can't find her. we are also thinking of getting 2 more for a total of 3 just in case this ever happens again. which we don't anticipate but we can't be certain and i can't stand to see my other cat depressed and frantically looking for her playmate. it's so sad. any suggestions on what to do would be much appreciated.
Hi when my cat went missing my other cat was pining for the other one, so we got another kitten and then she stopped pining. So it could be wise in getting another cat or kitten to keep her company. She sounds very upset so this willmake her feel better.
Thats so sad..one of my cats died and his sister was so so sad that for weeks on end she'd walk around the house crying. I had 3 others so she wasn't completly alone but still very sad. I always say if you have one cat ,then have 2 as one is such a lonely number!

All the best !
Another cat might help the one alone and it will have its ups and downs. I would get a male cat around her age, not a young kitten. Female cats are much more apt to be rivals in a household and a neutered male who is around the same age should be the best match.

You can use the homeopathic remedy Ignatia which is for grief. One 30C pill if enough, do not give more.
Maybe the cat will come back. Our cat disappears for a week or so twice a year. Maybe get ONE more cat if you want it. Kittens are good if you need the oxytocin baby substitute thing. If you don't, get a large friendly healthy rat catcher. Our last one was in cat prison for a couple months, he was a street cat for acouple years. Very strong, not as freindly as he could be, only injures us once in awhile by accident. The neighborhood has WAY fewer rats though. AT least in the daytime when he is allowed out. He gets 2 or 3 a day I think.
If your cat is under 2 you should be able to introduce a kitten to the home. It gets harder once they are older than 2. Keep in mind that the lost cat may show up, and do check the local pound in case she gets turned in.
There is still a chance that your other cat may come back, so I would give it a little more time. If you want to get another cat, I have found it easier to get a kitten as young as possible. Adult cats adjust to kittens much better that they do to cats because when a cat gets out of their kitten stage they get set in their own ways and personalities collide. If you are wanting to get 2 cats or kittens I would get one at a time so that the adjustment for your existing cat isn't too much at one time.
If it is any comfort one of my cats disappeared for 6 months and came back.
i take it you have looked and checked vets and kennels?
if so i guess getting another cat (1) would be a good idea. then at least you would only have 3 if you find the other one good luck
I understand your concern and I feel for you. However, a life and personality is not easily replaced. You need to give it some time. You can get another cat easily enough, but your grieving cat might resent it. She needs her time to mourn.
Take some time out and think again.
You are in a horrible position right now but your lost cat might just come back. Your grieving cat needs to grieve, even if you don't, and you have to allow that, even though it makes you sad.
In a month or two, a couple of new male kittens might be the just the thing to cheer up your cat. Or you might find she has chosen you as her comfort.
Decide later.
Just give lots of love to the one you have. When we had a cat die, our other cat went into a depression for six to eight months - it was really sad to watch. He didn't play anymore, and the most disgusting thing was that he plain refused to wash himself anymore - and before he was the typical finicky cat. I know how hard this is to go through for you. You don't say how long ago it was - but I would wait several months, and then see if you still want to get another one. Don't get two - that would overwhelm the one you have. He'll have a hard enough time sharing his territory.
Your cat is grieving the loss of the other cat. I suggest you put some Ignatia 30c on her food, that should help.
(Someone else has also suggested it too). If the cat was a human that would be what I would do.
I have given Ignatia to my cats when the other has died and also when we go away on holiday I leave it out in case they refuse food and grieve for us.
thats so sad. go get another kitty and your cat will love a new playmate
sorry to hear about your missing cat, my 6 month old kitten went missing a few weeks ago and i was and the other 3 cats distraught.
There are several different organisations that you can ring and give the details of your lost cat, such as pet search, RSPCA, PDSA %26 cats protection, they will contact you if a cat of that description gets handed in. I rang them and they were really helpful, it's worth a try before you start thingking about getting another cat. You could also make up posters and stick them around your local area in shop windows, bus shelters etc. cats dont usually go far from home and will more often come back when they are hungry. I looked for him for days, and just when i had lost any hope I found him, so there is hope.

In my experience getting a younger cat than the one you already have is better, as an older cat may pose more of a threat.

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