Lovely cats.,..?

In what way do ur cats show you that they love you?
No matter who is holding her, she jumps and runs to me when I come in the door. She follows me to the door when I'm leaving and asks to come along. Tends to be much more loving and affectionate when it's her and I in the car. I joke that she loves me for my wheels!!
Myna started life with me on the road as my travel buddy when I left for work as a contract nurse. She even rides with me on my motorcycle (no, I'm not joking. I have a biker kitty!). She comes up to sit on my lap at times to be petted.
Purrs constantly. Is such an affection freak in the morning. I try to go downstairs to feed her and she is at my feet rubbing on the stairs, so of course I have to pet her and spend time with her. She is the cutest.
They dont kill me in my sleep.
it pisses on the floor! ha!ha!
They bring us dead mice and drop them on the carpet.

Sometimes they bring us live ones, too. One crawled under my wife's china cabinet and died. We had to empty the entire cabinet to get it out.
i dont' know, i don't have cat. i have only dog.
I am constant "cat furniture"! He is always climbing on me, or laying on me. He sleeps with me and takes up the whole bed! I am trying to train him to sleep in his own cat bed, as long as the cat bed is at the foot of my bed he will sleep in it, otherwise, he keeps sleeping on me. If that's not love..
she follows u everywhere u go. even into the bathroom ha ha ha

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