Lumps on Cat?

I just discovered a lump on my cat's back, right next to the spine, it's about as as big around as a golf ball, not as thick though. It's pretty hard. My husband said it's probably just a calcium deposit, his family dog used to get them all the time. What should I do? My cat is only 4 years old!
It could be a few things, anything from an abscess to a tumor, if your kitty goes outside, it may just be an abscess from another cat biting him, cats have a lot of bacteria in their mouths, when they bite one another with those needle sharp teeth, they sorta inoculate that into the skin, those tiny punctures seal off and the body walls that infection off, creating an abscess but.. it could also be a growth of some type, vaccine reaction..tumor.. I would just take the kitty to the vet, for sure your best bet.. good luck
Could be a tumor, but any lump could be serious, and tumors are too. TO THE VET! =P
Take him to the vet!
Extra nipple?
It is probably an infection - could have been bitten by something or scratched by something. Take it to the vet - the infection could be pretty deep, and they will need to open up the lump and clean all infection out.

Keep checking after they do this - if they miss any of the infection, it could come back.

Not going to the vet could kill the cat or paralyze it.
Hi Holly.this may either be an abscess which needs to be medically opened, drained and treated with medication or a tumour. Consider ringing your vet to arrange for an evaluation to be treated soon.
I agree - Time to take kitty to the vet!
You can just call a vet and ask them if they could tell you what it might be and if it is cause for concern.
vet, asap!
TAKE HIM TO THE VET! its probaly cancer!
it could be a tick but i would take him to the vet just to be on the safe side
yeah.. but I don't think cats get calcium deposits like dogs do, a vet visit is necessary
You should really take your cat to the vet. It might not be serious but you should get your cat checked just to make sure because my cat had a lump also and it turned out to be cancer! She got operated and lived a year more. After that the cancer came back and she was too old and she started suffering so I had to let her go!!

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