Male Calico Kitten?

Our cat had a litter of kittens on July 4th. It was strange in all way as there is a set of twins both white with a tan stripe down their head and the calico. All three kittens were males. We decided to keep all of them ( well the kids did after they saw them) but a friend of mine keeps telling us that the male calico is worth a lot of money. No matter what we aren't getting rid of him but is this true, and is it often a cat can have all males, a set of twins and a male calico all in the same litter.
Hi Martha.although male calicos are rare and most are sterile they have no financial value other than like other typical domestic cats. rather the value is of one sentimentally.

It isn't uncommon to see litters all with the same sex and have either twins, triplets, etc., but with all male calicos that may be considered rare, still the value is in the eye of the beholder.

Please keep in mind although the male calicos are likely sterile they still will have the hormonal urges to spray so they would need to be neutered to prevent the spraying.

Here's an article about male calicos and why they have no financial worth:

Every so often I am asked if a tortoiseshell or calico tomcat is valuable. You will find advertisements on the web, or in newspapers, placed by people hoping to sell a tortoiseshell tomcat for a large sum of money. One website even said that if you found a tortoiseshell tomcat, you could sell it for a fortune and retire!

Despite their rarity, tortoiseshell tomcats are not valuable in the financial sense. They have scientific value. Those that are fertile cannot pass on the tortoiseshell colour - you cannot breed more tortoiseshell males from them. As pets they are just like any other cat. As pedigree cats, there may be no colour class for them to enter so however fine they look, so they may be unable to win prizes (some breeds/shows have an "Any Other Colour" class). The abnormalities which have created a tortoiseshell male may also make him more susceptible to auto-immune disease or testicular tumours.

In short, if you have a tortoiseshell male cat, he is not going to make you rich! Even the minority of fertile tortie tomcats are not valuable in money terms because they don't breed true. So next time you see someone advertising a "rare tortie male" on Ebay, usenet or a bulletin board, you can wonder who is more gullible - the person expecting to make a fortune or the person who pays over-the-odds because they think the cat is going to make them a fortune!
There's no such thing as a male calico. It's a sex-linked color gene.
It's either a female, or not a calico - check again
very true .. can i have him .if he looks like this
Yes male calicos are very rare.
Male Calicos are extremely rare. As for how often a cat will have all male kittens, not sure. A quick call to your vet may prove enlightening as to your Calico questions!
No such thing as a male calico. Get a second opinion on the sex of your cat(s). Or as searchpup suggests get another opinion of it being calico.

Calico is defined as:
having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly; "a jester dressed in motley"; "the painted desert"; "a particolored dress"; "a piebald horse"; "pied daisies"
No such thing as a male Calico
male calico cats are very rare so is a litter of all boys and haveing twins is rare
a male calico (while rare) isnt worth any more money unless he is also registered..
often male calicos are sterile - but irregardless he should be neutered, as should all males who are not purebred registered cats.

having all males in a litter isnt uncommon - perhaps she was exposed to something which killed off the female fetuses

do all yoru cats a favor - spay the mom and neuter the kittens
When I was in 7th grade, my science teacher was telling the class about having a male calico kitten, and he was getting ready to leave, to see him..and well, just right before he went to leave the poor thing got hit on the road, so..according to him they're worth some money, I don't know how much though.
I would have a 2nd opinion done on the kittens maybe when they get a little older. As for a male kitten it is near impossible, that is a genetic female coloring, if you truly do have a male and not three female kittens your male is rare, but the chances of him being able to breed or out of the question he would be sterile and there for rare but worthless. If he was breed able then he'd be rare and worth a ton. I wouldn't get to excited and get a 2nd opinion, you probably have three girls. sorry.
There are male calicos. They are very rare and usually they will be infertile. They same way with yellow cats. They are almost always males. If there are female yellow cats they are usually infertile. Congrats! Kittens are a lot of fun.
If your calico is male then there is a good chance that he will grow to be sexually deformed (has to do with the whole X and Y thing). It is extremely rare for a calico to be male, but it does occasionally happen. When it does happen, its because the cat is basically a hermaphrodite.
I don't know if they are worth alot of money, but I did hear that all calico cats are female, that there isn't any male calico. Call the Vets, ask them.
male calico cats are a genetic disorder and are very rare about 1 in 10,000 . are mom and pop both calico?
Calico MALE? They are very very rare indeed. As such they are worth money. But I'd rather keep it and be the proud owner and not worry about what it is worth. But keep it indoors. (only for safety)
yep calico kittens are very rare. and yes very possible for her to have all males.
Male calicos are rare. It is a genetic abberration. For a cat, human, or other mamal to be female requires two X chromosomes, XX. For them to be male you must have XY. Occasionally an animal is born with three sex chromosomes, an XXY. In humans it results in something called Klingfelter's syndrome. This is what has happened to the male calico (tri-colored) cat. They are usually sterile.

The tri-color is a recessive gene so it takes two XX to produce that pattern. A male can be a "carrier" of this gene on his one X chromosome. If he mates successfully with a female who carries the gene even if she is not calico, you can have a calico cat.
Male Calico's are very rare. 99% of calicos are females. You seem to have the token mama cat. twins and a male calico? Wow pretty cool!

In my neighborhood having all male kittens isn't rare. I had stray kittens like 6 yrs ago and they were all male Also another was all male too.
A calico cat are female but it's very rare that you can find one of them are male it's the same for orange cat it's rare that you can have a female orange cat. So if you can have a cat like your calico male and it's rare that kind of cat, you can sold him expensive because some of people want make a new difference cat like by example calico with a Siamese cat. P.S sorry for my bad english but to night i try to make it good hope you understand my answer.
It can happen, but it's very rare - awsome!! Less rare is that most orange cats are male.but i've meet several female oranges so it happens with much more regularity than a male calico.
Although very rare, it is possible to have a male calico or tortoiseshell cat. They are normally sterile, but it is possible. I believe the link I provided says that although it is possible to have a male calico or tortoiseshell cat, there are only about 1 out of 3000 that are born are in fact males. With that kind of a percentage, I would say that they could be very expensive, but why give up the little guy, especially if your kids love and want to keep all of them. Hope this helps :-)

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