Male cat peed on my baby's cot mattress..?

i washed it with warm soapy water, and then sprayed with disefectant. but the smell is still there, i only bought the mattress less than 4 weeks ago.

how can i get rid of it?
Hi, my mother taught me the cleaning of the "3 p's - pee, poo and puke". Warm soapy water with plenty of vinegar.

This neutralises bad odours and stops cats or dogs returning to the same place. Vinegar on its own would do that and I have used it to stop my cat scratching on rattan chairs.

You may smell the vinegar for a day or two but it will disappear. This also applies to human 3 p's

Had a thought about the cat on the cot - unless you have a pet you don't realise how many 'human' type feelings they have and it might be feeling jealous of the baby OR maybe it's spraying to protect it by warning off other cats - whatever, try one of the FELIWAY plug-ins. They produce a cat's "feel good" hormones, the kind they release when they rub their cheek against you leg. The plug-in is really effective and I can't reccomend it highly enough (no I'm not on commission lol) It calmed my cat when we had a houseful of workmen.
There is actually a product I saw advertised on TV that was called "Urine Gone". I have no idea if it works but you may want to give it a try.
Urine Gone, will not get rid of the smell.

sadly the smell will never go away now.

The cat will always smell it and consequently will always want to go a nd pee there.

you can use fabreeze or wash it with vinegar and water then use some fabreeze to take the vinegar smell out.
Cats in cribs is very dangerous business. You need to find a way to solve problem number one. If you don't know why, ask your pediatrician. Further, this could cause a lot of issue. Don't be a cheapskate. Get a new mattress.
there are desmell sprays. also if it was a male at, you might want to consider getting one of those sprays that that will keep the cat away or he will do it again. your local vet would have the latter, and a supermarket the former.
I don't think you can get rid of the smell.

You should, however, be careful because a cat that pees in a baby cot is probably a jealous cat. A jealous cat is just a nasty thing to have around a baby.
lots of useful ideas on this site.
i think you should be more concerned about the cat being in the cot you have to be very careful with cats as they could sufficate your baby i know this sounds terrible but it does happen
You cannot save it, throw it away! cats will urinate in areas that they feel uncomfortable in and a baby, well it is ideal. You have to buy another mattress. If your cat does not have a urnary infection, then you must find another home for it. Once they have started to pee in beds, they don't stop, the only way to stop it is to keep the door shut to tht room and you can't. So find an adopable home for it with no babies or kids. Ans get their home address and phone and check up on it to make sure they aren't those folks that get free cats and then sell them to expieriemential labs. Yes, these folks are so good at what they do they even bring their kids with them. There is a society called the no kill adoption for the homeless, call your local petco for help, the cat will be adopted or place an ad in the paper yourself. Sorry to have to say this. Don't hit the cat, it won't do any good. Fumes from cleaners will only harm your child and I went through thousands in mattresses, That bedroom door will be shut until I lose my cat, she is 16 now. Good thing I never had a baby other than cats to worry about. Good Luck to you. I forgot to ask you, is this a normal pee, or a spray? Is the cat neutered?? If not, neutering might solve the problem. You should talk to the vet if you have any hesitations on getting rid of it and see if hormones might help, but I warn you, if the cat is fixed, then you still have a problem it will do it again. I hope and pray this works ut for you all.
Try baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) It is good for odors.
Even if you get the smell out, you are still going to have a problem.

The cat is jealous of the new baby. Ensure that you give the cat a lot of attention.

Try a 1 part vinegar, three parts water solution and pour it over the mattress and then let it dry.
i have a male cat that pees on our bed and we have to keep the doors closed all the time the males smell much stronger and its very hard to completely get rid of the smell there are a few products around but see your vet for more info
try to keep the cat out of the cot that's real dangerous since i locked my cat out of the bedroom he uses his litter and sometimes the bath cats have a thing for drains if you can put up with that its very easy to get rid of the problem in the bath

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