Male cats that breast feed kittens?

A stray kitten found its way to our door last June. It was visibly smaller than the litter that we had just a few months prior. "She" was skitish %26 wouldn't let us handle "her". Our mother cat took "her" in, but mother sadly disappeared a month later. We noticed shortly thereafter that the other kittens had taken to "nursing" on the new kitten %26 we thought "how sweet, she is mothering them". This went on a while %26 of course our curiousity has gotten to us, thinking how can they stay on her so long, she can't be producing milk? Just a few weeks ago we were able to catch her with the help of a little boy who was visiting. When I turned her over, she indeed had a wet tit! But she also had the biggest set of balls I had seen on a cat! The neighbor boys found another kitten %26 brought it to us %26 now that kitten has taken to suckling on "it" as well. How is this possible? I have heard of some female cats w/ balls that l shrink later. Could this be it? Any legitimate advice is appreciated!
The teet was probably wet from the kittens saliva. Male cats do not have the mammary glands to produce milk like female cats. That's what I've learned in life so far!
I'd ask a vet to look at the cat.
If you don't have the money to regulary take your pets for check-ups that you shouldn't have any animals.
There are many differant explinations for this behaviour, but if they mean so little to you that you can't be bothered to pick up the phone and call a vet to ask a question than I'm certainly not going to help you.
maybe the kittens are confused and the boy realized it felt good?as long as the kittens are healthy and getting the nutrients they need, whats the harm?( other than making you uncomfortable)
Your kitten must be a boy.
sure,,,,and bill clinton breast feeded monica as well.

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