mama cat keeps seperating 1 of her week old kittens from the other 2. does it with all of them not same kitty?

She will take 1 of her 3 week old kittens to a location away from other 2. She does it with all of them usually some time during the day. It's NOT the same cat each time. Usually she drags it from the closet in bedroom to under a chair in the living room. She might lay their with it and nurse or she might leave it under chair and go eat, play, etc. Usually it will start crying and I will take it and put it with the others. Later the mama may bring that one back out or it may be a different one. She will do this several times a day and has been doing for about 3 days now.It's driving me nuts! Also, I have 2 other kittens that have lived with mama for 7 months, will they hurt the kittens? Having a hard time keeping them away from the babies.
It's natural behaviour for a mama cat to hide here kits.

It will be good if you can cage up the mama with her 3 kitties. That way, she won't be able to keep on trying to hide them. And she will not stray away and the kits will have more chances of geeting milk for her. And then, she'll be able to teach them how to use the litter box.

Do this for abt 8~12 weeks before you let them out.
let me just say "SPAY" to you..stop the insanity.the cat is nervous about her location.get her a private place and start saving for her surgery!
maybe your smell on the kitten makes her do that. Do put them together though, just don't handle them an awful lot. The older kittens might harm the new ones, unless their mummy make it clear to them that she doesn't allow that.
Hi I have seen a cat do this before %26 you just have to watch them as she will carry on doing it.not too sure if she only likes to feed 2 or less at a time but cats can do some strange things.just make sure that the kittens get enough to eat from her %26 it is kept warm or return it to where the others are.not much else you can do but soon they will be able to get around %26 she won't have the last say in where her kittens go as they will find their own way.
Regards Jake
maybe she does that coz it does'nt it become any wosrt for the kittens, just be patient.

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