May cat used to urinate in his litter box, but now he just does it everywhere, what could be the problem?

Bladder problem?
may have a bladder infection!! you should have it check by vet.!!
Your cat might have a bladder problem or might not like the kind of litter you are using. Try another brand and see if that helps.
You said "he" if it IS a male. he's "marking" (his territory). You probably also notice that the pee is crazy strong smelling! There is a product you can get at petco called Nature's Miracle - to clean yor carpet upholstry, etc. It works well. As far as stopping it - I'd speak to a vet. Good Luck!
Your cat is a male and you haven't had him fixed, what he's doing is marking his territory. If you take him to the vet now and have him neutered he might stop, but if you wait to long he'll never stop.
Several answers, your cat could have a urinary track infection. Take it to the vet, or look it up on the Internet, changing to dry cat food for urinary tract health helps. No wet food, no fish, or table scraps. Second, maybe the litter box needs to be cleaned more often. Third, if you have more than one cat, you might have to get a separate litter box. The cat could have a problem with it's kidneys, usually older cats. The cat is doing it usually because it's hurting and it's a good way to let you know since obviously they can't talk. Best of luck.
It could be a number of things.

First, could be a medical problem. Take him to the vet to rule that out.

Second, did you change litters? Did you move the box? Did the cat get scared when he was using the litter box? All of these will cause a cat to stop using a litter box.

You need to clean the spots where he is going or he will never stop. You need to get a product from the vet (recommended) or pet store SPECIFICALLY made for getting cat urine smell out of carpet etc. Cats have excellent noses that even when you use Mr Clean, amonia, pepper etc, they can still smell it until you use one of these products.

Dont scold the cat either.they know they are doing wrong. You can actually make it worse by yelling or swatting the cat or rubbing his nose in it.

One last thing.ensure the cat is fixed. Esp male cats. they are prone to the urinating or getting UTI when they are not fixed. The food should also be low ash to help the cat prevent these.
Not enough info. We have had cats all our lives. We have two now. One is old and she uses the litter box most times, but sometimes I think she doesn't want to make the effort. So, age could be one reason.

A different brand of kitty litter or not changing the litter often enough could be another reason.

If you have more than one cat, it could be the other cat(s).

It could be a kidney infection.

Is it a male cat? Is it not neutered?

One cat we had, a Siamese, was a whiney, gripey, pee-on-your-sleeping-bags because you're going camping without me type of cat. There was no cure.

Only thing I could suggest is to have your vet check out your cat for some kind of kidney problem. Or try a different brand of cat litter. Move the cat box to a more convenient location.

Good luck.
It could be several reasons, %26 to list a few,

1. he is spraying
2. he is mad at you for something and using the house as a litter box
3. The litter box gets too full before you can get home to clean it out?
You didnt mention the age of you fur-baby, but why he is doing it, I would have to guess spraying
Could be an editorial statement as to the cleanliness of his catbox or you changed his food or got a new girlfriend or the weather changed and you did not fix it or he has a bladder issue.neurtered male cats are very likely to have bladder is vet visit time.lucky you.
Has your schedule changed lately? Are you spending less time at home and less time with kitty? New roommate? Does the cat ignore you when you are around? Cats can be pretty perceptive and don't like change to much. Your cat may be acting out of spite towards you for something you have done or haven't done. Have you gotten a new kitty lately?
I use to live in L.A. with my roommate Joanne and my cat Maxie. Joanne and I were usually always home, but we both started dating around the same time so Maxie was alone. He would try to run outside whenever we opened the door, which was something he had never done before. Anyway, he would pee on the bed of the roommate that got home the latest. I kid you not. Onetime my roomie went to New york for a 3 day trip. I went on an overnight trip and when I got home I saw that Maxie had S and P** all over my roommates bed. She really did not deserve that because after all Maxie was my Cat. I had one hour to go to laundry mat to wash her down comforter and sheets She would of killed me if she had seen her bed, but i made it in the e nick of time to pick her up at the airport. We decide to give Maxie to someone who said they wanted outside cat. I was sad, but cat p smell is the worst.

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