Mean Kitty, Needs a Friend?

I have a cat who Hisses at everyone, and scratches everyone who comes in sight. I now live with my boyfriend and she hates him too. (even though he adopted her) She loves me, but I think she is just bored. Should I get her another kitty to play with? would that make her more sociable? She loves the outside Dog, but she cant play outside. I want to take her to play with other kittens and see how she reacts but, nobody will let her play with their cats, because she is mean!

Any Advice would be great!

Also She is a 1 year old Calico Female
Hi! I have a 2 yr old cat who sounds kinda like that. I got her from a pet store she was soo cute lol but anyways i lived with my mom and my boyfriend its just me and my bf now but my cat only likes me sometimes she dosent mind my boyfriend but when she's had enough of him she's had enough! she hisses at him if he moves to quick at her or like if she's sitting on the floor near him and he gets up to quick she'll hiss at him and swat at him and run away. for a while she seemed to kewl down and we got a new kitten and that just pissed her off! she was hissing and growling it was crazy but the only person who can touch her is me she's a big baby with me.she dosent like anyone else thou its weird. but anyway we got the kitten and she hated it and within like 3 weeks they were best friends like you would never believe they sleep togeather eat togeather play togeather(drives me nuts someitimes) But my cat still dosent like anyone else but me . I think its just because she loves me and she's protective of me and she's very loyal to me and she listens she talks(meows) back to me when i talk to her. But another cat is a great idea u just need alot of time and affection to give !
She is feral. You should have socialised her earlier. Too late now.
well, like my kitty, he seems like a one person kind of cat. if u get another kitty, he might be nicer. my winston waz happy when my momma bought selena home=)
she is still a kitten.. sheesh.. she seems to be very dominant.. next she is jealous because she isn't getting enough attention .. I think another cat is a mistake, however, where you live, is it cramped and small, cats need room and privacy also.. Is she fixed..? if not sometimes that causes aggression.. did you get her the distemperment shot?.. that does help believe it or not
I have a calico.
She is very sweet and jealous at the same time.
She doesn't like to really share at all.
If you get another kitty for her,she will probably hiss at it too.
The best time is when they are babies. They are used to each other.
Calico's are kind of mixed up,and a little crazy.
Gotta love em' tho.
burnittodeath needs to look the word feral up in a dictionary.

My thought is if this change occured 2 months ago what significant thing happened/changed at that time?

Sounds to me like something is making her feel threatend. Or jealous.
some cats can get Territorial with other cat but are fine with dogs, if she was a stray, she might not at all and would be happier as an only cat.

some rescues Willl let you try a trail adoption, see how the cat wil fit in your home, and if your cat will like company. explain your situation and ask for a cat that gets along with other cats easily. you would foster her until you know if your cat will get along with others, it may be a month until you know, they might not get along at first but May warn up to each other

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