COUGARS & SILVER FOXES: Celebrate the senior cats

Right now, at The SF/SPCA Maddie’s Adoption Center, we’re overflowing with feline faces. Sure, we have the requisite young kittens, but down these halls there’s another group of cats – our Cougars…and our Silver Foxes... These guys and gals have been around a little longer, been waiting a little more patiently. These folks have seen a little more life, experienced a few more sunrises and sets than our younger residents. Day after day, they see their younger, bouncier counterparts make a love connection and head out the door to their new life. We’d like to introduce you to a few of these on the prowl for love guys and gals, and ask that you take some time to get to know them. Each of these gorgeous cats has years left to love, and is over the brim with purrs and affection. Take a look… You may just find the love you’ve been looking for all along.



Kincaid (A05717165)10 year old male This total dude enjoys being by your side and goofing around with his human companion. Playing and chilling out are his main objectives, although he prefers to so this without the company of other cats. A great choice for an active household without any other animals. Kincaid has been with us since May of this year.


Mitten (A07175268)10 year old female
Stop right here. We have found your purring companion. This gentle lady appreciates the finer things in life. A peaceful home, a soft scratch behind the ears, perhaps a relaxing sunny spot on the couch. Mitten is a dignified lady (she in fact, asks to be addresses as Her Royal Majesty Lady Mitten…but that’s a mouthful for us) and she wishes to lead a dignified, peaceful life in a palace of her own. Mitten has been with us since February of this year.


Thomas (A05705372)
10 year old male
Thomas is a handsome, outgoing kitty who loves playtime and laps with equal enthusiasm. Despite a heart condition, currently controlled with medication, this 10 year old boy has energy galore and loves to be the center of attention—he adores people and would prefer to be the one and only kitty receiving your affections. Thomas has been with us since March of this year. Video:

Roxanne (A08058602)
10 year old female
Do you find yourself chatting with yourself a little too much? Roxanne can help with that – she loves to talk! In fact, given half a chance, she’ll follow you around, commenting on most each and every move. Tired of all the chatter? Not to worry – this zaftig lady is happy to settle down on the couch and allow you the pleasure of scratching behind her ears while you watch television, or read a book. Roxanne has been with us since July of this year.


Tony (A07578434)
5 year old male
What a guy! Tony is an acrobatic, fly through the air; entertain you with his antics kind of fellow. He can’t figure out why he’s still here – folks keep coming through snatching up these kittens, but hey! He’s got just as much spunk and fun as a kitten, without all that young, unsure about the world stuff. This fella knows exactly who he is – the perfect wing man! Tony has been with us since May of this year.


Sharyn (A07456590)
10 year old female
We don’t know about you, but in our book, there’s no better quality chill time than with a kitty that purrs in your ear and rubs up against your fingers for some scritchie scratchies. She’s not interested in joining the band, or debate team, or spending much time out in the quad – this graceful lady is content to work on her studies (she has a masters degree in advanced purring and scritchie accepting….she’s working on a doctorate in muffin making) and filling you with that peaceful feeling kitties are made for. Sharyn has been with us since April of this year. Video:

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