The Persian Cat Breed

kittens picture

Persian cats ideal weight and nutrition

Female Persian cats weigh 8 - 12 lbs (3.5 - 5.5 kg) and males more than 12 lbs (5.5 kg). A balanced and rich in vitamins, protein and fiber nutrition will prevent most health problems such as obesity and moreover help them develop a rich and shiny fur. In the market you will find meals specially designed for Persian cats. I highly recommend Persian 30 by Royal Canin. Its formula contains Omega 6 to meet the nutritional demands of maintaining a shiny and beautiful long coat and soluble and insoluble fibers that increase digestive activity to eliminate hairballs naturally.

I also recommend Royal Canin because of its shape. Dry food and particularly almond shaped kibbles are ideal for Persian cats, because they make food easier to grasp. Cats with flat facial characteristics use the lower side of their tongue to pick up kibbles which is why an almond shape kibble is easier for them to eat.

For the suggested daily intake of dry food, consult the table below:

cat food
Table 1.1 - Persian cats daily food intake

Persian kittens care

When you introduce a kitten to your home let it find its own way out of the basket and allow it to explore one room at a time. Make sure that all doors and windows are shut, to prevent the kitten from escaping.
Kittens are very often frightened by children or other pets that are new to them. Children should therefore be recommended to be quiet and wait for the kitten to adopt to the new environment, while other animals should be introduced later, gradually and one at a time. Remember that adult cats might attack to the baby cat, since they confront it as a competitor and therefore as an enemy.

Talk to your kitten and encourage it to play with a toy but do not overwhelm it with extreme attention.

Kittens need warmth, since they miss their mother and litter mates. If there is not some form of heating in the room at all times, you' d better buy a heated bed from a pet shop.

During the first month of their life, kittens should be breastfeeding. This is why you shouldn't separate them from their mother before they are one month old.

At the age of one month they can start eating kitten food. In the market you will find a wide range of kitten meals, however we recommend dry kitten food. This comes in small kibbles that encourage kittens to crunch and help them develop stronger gum and teeth.

For the suggested daily intake of kitten dry food, consult the table below:

kittens food
Table 1.2 - Persian kittens daily food intake

Persian cats grooming

The average total length of the hair on a Persian cat is over 230 miles, no wonder why their fur needs to be brushed daily with the help of a metallic brush. The brushing movements need to be repetitive, however delicate as the Persian cats' skin is highly irritable. To get rid of tight knots, use a brush with wide-teeth first and dissolve them gradually. If you neglect this daily routine, your Persian cat will develop tight knots and become aggressive during the next grooming. Besides, regular grooming will improve the blood circulation and help avoid many unpleasant and long-lasting infections and allergies.

Persian cats care

Persian cats have a rich and long-haired coat and therefore run a high risk of developing hairballs. To find out more, check our hair ball treatment guide.

Another issue you should take care of on a monthly basis is fleas. To find out more, check our flea treatment guide.

Always keep tapeworm pills at home and give them as prescribed to your cat every 3 months. To find out more check our tapeworm treatment guide.

You should clean their ears once a week to prevent infections. Consult your vet on choosing the proper cat ear cleaning solution and use it to remove the excess of wax, debris and dead tissues.

Their teeth should be checked periodically and brushed with a special wipe to prevent teeth and gum diseases. In the market there are also a lot of cat toys, specially designed to remove food wastes and prevent teeth irritation.

A litter tray must be available at all times and kept in the same place. Solid matter and wet lumps should be removed from the tray frequently and the litter renewed when necessary. The tray should be washed and disinfected frequently. Rinse thoroughly after disinfecting and allow drying before use. Cats are very fussy and will not use a dirty tray.

Never give a cat any drugs that have not been prescribed for it; many human drugs are poisonous to cats. Seek veterinary advice immediately if you suspect any form of poisoning.

Make sure that toys or parts of them cannot be swallowed. Plastic bags and rubber bands can be extremely dangerous, since they do not show up on an X-ray.

Persian cats health and lifespan

Persians cats usually live 15 years or more. The modern brachycephalic Persian cat has a large rounded skull and a shortened face and nose that cause some health problems. This facial conformation makes the breed prone to breathing difficulties, skin and eye problems and birthing difficulties.

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) affects the 36%-49% of adult Persian cats and causes kidney failure. Symptoms include excessive drinking and urination, reduced appetite, weight loss and depression.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM) is a heart disease that affects young to middle aged cats. It is is usually discovered during a routine annual health checkup, as the vet will hear a faster heart rate and perhaps congestion sounds in the lungs. The pulse also feels weak.

If left undiagnosed, the most common indication of HCM is pain, associated with blood clot formation in the aorta. HCM is treated with diuretics, such as furosemide, diltiazem, and nitroglycerine ointment. ACE inhibitors, can be beneficial, while some cats respond to essential fatty acid (EFA) supplements and the antioxidants selenium and vitamin E.

Epiphora, meaning excessive tearing due to chronic eye irritations and infections is a disease met quite often in Persian cats. The case can be treated with the use of antibiotics such as Tetracycline.

Stress sometimes affects Persian cats, causing Feline Hyperesthesia, a case similar to Psychogenic Alopecia. The symptom is extremely sensitive skin and treatment can be carried out by the use of antidepressants or by simply separating the cat from its stressful environment. Enriching the cat's environment with toys, climbing equipment and providing a room with a view, may also help.

Persian cats history

Persia is the ancient name of Iran, which of course implies the breed's origins and age. The Persian people considered them very valuable and treated them like true treasures.

They were first brought to Europe by the Italian Pietro della Valle. Mr. Della Valle had spent many years in the Middle East witting about it and when it was about time to return to Italy, he realized that he had to take some gifts with him. And since jewels, spices and silk had become more than a common Middle East souvenir, he came up with a more unique idea. He took with him four pairs of gray longhair cats and that is how the first Blue Persian cats entered the Western civilization.

Persian cats personality

Persian cats are very affectionate and loyal. They crave attention and like to be played around with. Though they are not very demanding, they love to be petted. They will sit on your lap, follow you around the house and sleep in your bed during cold nights.

Their playful and in the meantime calm nature, makes them ideal for families with children or other pets. They do not mind new members in the household, on the contrary they are very adaptable and accommodating.

Although they get attached to all family members they usually show special affection for a particular individual in the house. They are sweet and gentle, but need to feel secure in their environment. They prefer an atmosphere of serenity, love and reassurance.

Finally, Persian cats are very dramatic. They love to pose and will drape themselves like Royalty on your furniture, enhancing the decor and covering it with their signature long hair.

Persian cats breed standards

According to the Cat Fanciers' Association, Persian cats are heavily boned, well-balanced cats with a sweet expression and soft, round lines. The large round eyes set wide apart in their large round head contribute to the overall look and expression. The long thick coat softens the lines of the cat and accentuates the roundness in appearance.

Their head is round and massive, with great breadth of skull, well set on a short and thick neck Their face is round with round underlying bone structure. The skull structure is smooth and round to the touch. When viewed in profile, the prominence of the eyes is apparent and the forehead, nose and chin appear to be in vertical alignment.

Their nose is short, snub and broad, with a “break” centered between the eyes.

The cheeks are full and the muzzle not overly pronounced, smoothing nicely into the cheeks.

Their jaws are broad and powerful and their chin is full, well-developed and firmly rounded, reflecting a proper bite.

Their ears are small, round tipped, tilted forward, and not unduly open at the base. They bear long tufts and are set far apart and low on the head, fitting into the rounded contour of the head.

The Persian cats possess brilliant, large, round and full eyes. They are set far apart, giving a sweet expression to the face. Their color varies as per the coat color and pattern.

Their body is large or medium sized, with a good muscle tone. It is of cobby type, low on the legs, broad and deep through the chest, equally massive across the shoulders and rump, with a well rounded mid-section and level back.

Their legs are short, thick and strong. The paws are large, round and firm, with long tufts.

Their tail is short, but in proportion to the body length and their coat is long and thick, standing off from the body. It has a fine texture, a glossy appearance and it is full of life. It is long all over the body, including the shoulders. The ruff is immense and continues in a deep frill between the front legs.

Regarding the officially recognized coat and eye colors, check the table bellow:

coat color and pattern
eye color
solid white
deep blue or brilliant copper
solid blue
brilliant copper
solid blacd
brilliant copper
solid red
brilliant copper
solid cream
brilliant copper
solid chocolate
brilliant copper
solid chocolate
brilliant copper
shaded silver
green or blue-green
blue shaded silver
green or blue-green
shaded golden
green or blue-green
blue shaded golden
green or blue-green
shell cameo
brilliant copper
shaded cameo
brilliant copper
shell cream
brilliant copper
shaded cream
brilliant copper
blue cream smoke
brilliant copper
silver tabby
green, hazel or brilliant copper
silver patched tabby
green, hazel or brilliant copper
blue - silver tabby
green, hazel or brilliant copper
blue - silver patched tabby
green, hazel or brilliant copper
red tabby
brilliant copper
brown tabby
brilliant copper
brown patched tabby
brilliant copper
blue tabby
brilliant copper
blue patched tabby
brilliant copper
cream tabby
brilliant copper
cameo tabby
brilliant copper
cream silver tabby
brilliant copper
chocolate tabby
brilliant copper
chocolate patched tabby
brilliant copper
lilac tabby
brilliant copper
lilac patched tabby
brilliant copper
brilliant copper
blue cream
brilliant copper
chocolate tortoiseshell
brilliant copper
lilac cream
brilliant copper
brilliant copper
dilute calico
brilliant copper
chocolate calico
brilliant copper
lilac calico
brilliant copper
brilliant copper
smoke and white
brilliant copper
calico smoke
brilliant copper
patched tabby and white
brilliant copper
other tabby and white
brilliant copper

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