Meowing in the middle of the night ?

My male siamese cat is just 3 years old, he's an indoor cat, always has been.. but in the middle of the night he will just sit in front of any random door of the house and cry and cry and cry. But refuses the attention when i wake up and try and give him some..I heard it's natural considering it's a siamese but only when we're trying to sleep . what's this mean?
Cats are nocturnal, BUT has he been neutered? If NOT, then he senses another cat in heat.if he has been, then he is being a nocturnal being. Offer his some cat nip before bed at night and see if that helps relax him.

There could be strays outside also that he hears, and is naturally reacting.
My friend's cat started something similar.always at 3 a.m. Come to find out the water softener was back flushing at the same time, and woke the cat up. He fixed it, and the cat now sleeps through the night.
Cats shouldn't be inside all the time. He wants to get out and explore. That's why he is meowing by the exits of the house. Our cat was outdoors but she had a cat flap so she could come in and out as she pleased. She turned blind for the last 2 years of her life though so we had to keep her in. She didn't like that!
He might just want you and He might want out. My cat likes to eat, be loved on, let out, play, anything!! Remember, he does sleep during the day! Maybe he's playing, you never know. Sometimes my cat hears other animals and he'll get really annoyed and get annoying! Hope you find out what's wrong!
He wants to go outside. My cat will run to the front door and MEEOW a lot until i let him out but sometimes he get messed up and run to the wrong door =^..^=
You will need to reset your cat's sleeping schedule. You should play with him before you go to bed for 15 minutes or more to tire him out. This will take time, of course, but in time he will hopefully no longer do his "night crying" and will sleep through the night.

You must absolutely not give him any attention when he does this. I think this is where your mistake is. He wants you to get up, and everytime you do, whether you're punishing him or trying to pet him makes him think his meowing is successful, and he will continue it. I would suggest shutting your bedroom door and leaving him out. Wear earplugs and at all costs, ignore his meowing. He will have to learn you will not respond, and if he is not sleeping he will learn to find his own entertainment.

Good luck!
give him hugs. my cats sleep in my bed with me

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