Misbehaving cat?

I have two neutered male cats and one of them is becoming a real problem. He was brought from another home and was never taught house rules. We've had him nearly nine months and he is a terror. He yowls all night, knocks things over to get attention, pees on clothing if he doesn't think his litter box is clean enough and generally behaves like a spoiled brat. We have tried everything, yelling at him, squirting him with a water bottle when he misbehaves and nothing is working! He's been keeping us up for weeks on end yowling at night. Any suggestions?
Sounds like he's not happy sharing his world with another cat. He's peeing on things as a means of marking his territory. Yelling doesn't work with cats. Generally "punishment" doesn't work either. If he knows where that squirt of water is coming from, he will just take the attitude of "screw you." Things he doesn't like, as consequence for his bad behavior, are good but he can't know where they're coming from or they won't work.
put him in a cage with all the female cats that in heat! lace his food with viagra! he will keep quiet!
Maybe you could call a vet for some advice. Maybe he has a health problem. Hyperthyroidism in cats can cause them to act out and misbehave. My cat was knocking things over and waking me up at night and he had hyperthyroidism. Anyway, it couldn't hurt to get him a check up to make sure it's not a health issue and then go from there if it isn't.
the absolute best way to teach a cat a lesson is to throw them in the washing machine and let them go through a full cycle .. they will appreciate things much more after that.
Cat's have personalities and character like we do, so that's probably just how he is. Frisky. If you love that cat, then you may have to just deal with it until he feels comfy enough to tone it down.
Give him more exercise. If you play with him on a regular basis then the yowling should stop. I did this with my cat and it worked. Do some research. look up 'cat behavior'. You will find tons of tips online.
Take him to a shelter, if you really love him. wait why would you he's a terror!!~~ if you do love him i think you need to go someplace for animal heli
I have 2 cats as well..and I don't think they ever knock stuff over for attention; they just wanna bat stuff around and play with it. Some cats are really picky with their litter boxes, one of mine has gone on laundry baskets too. Also, I notice that same cat will run around like a banshee if his litter box isn't up to his standards. You might wanna get one of those electric litter box cleaners-they work great.
buy him a cat carrier and when he misbehaves put him in it and leave him there for about 15 minutes he will get the message
I've used this for a lot of indoor cats. Get him a collar to fit his neck right, so he cant slide out of it, Get him a thin leash or in tiger's case a rope, how ever long you want it. Hook it up right outside your back door. Let him got out by way of chain. It will help keep him calm some and allow him to play outside. Sorry he is such a brat, I hope things work out for you. As for him peeing every where, they do sell a neutralizer that is also supposed to help train them not to use the bathroom anywhere but in the litter. Good luck with brat baby.
My best advice is to just give him some TLC tender loving care. Discipline him when necessary but do not put him inthe dryer/ washer. That could kill him. also be patient it takes time he will eventually settle down. Trust me I know my Simba was the same way. Good luck!
my cat does that sometimes, too. a lot of it is because they are spoiled brats. what i found works is buy them a lot of different toys and see which ones they like best (my kitties love the feather ticklers, long sticks with bells and feathers attached to them) that worked for my cat.
The cat is probably used to be able to go outdoors, from my experience with cats, once they have been outdoors, it's hard to tame them into being a good house cat. You may have to get rid of him. I know that sounds harsh, but he is more than likely set in his ways. Good luck.
to begin with have him checked at the vet to be sure there are no infections of any kind. The peeing sounds like a bladder infect to me. My cat is just getting over one. And this is what he did.

The rest of it, the night meows ect. Sound like a bid for attention. At night eveyone is asleep and he is lonley.

If you yell at him, spray him with water, he is getting what he wants. Attention.

Cats only understand that behavior produces results. they don't understand it is the wrong type of results - they only know it gets them results. Attention. It will be hard, but you will have to ignore him for a few nights. Pick a time when no body has to be up the next morning.. and just ignore him.. He will soon learn.. I have one that is always wanting attention too at night.
You say he was bought from another home. Maybe he is grieving his "loss". Cat's are very routines creatures. His routine has been totally disrupted. Our cat will hiss and growl at just about anyone else, who walks through our door. But she is sweet and loving to My husband and I. All we can do is guess, why she does the things she does. Does your kitty howl at night because the bedroom door is closed? Maybe he would like to snuggle up with you. Maybe you should confine this cat to a room all it's own for awhile, gradually introduce new things. If nothing works, I would suggest finding it a new home or conferring with the vet.
A cat, is a cat, is a cat. I've never had any luck with getting an older cat. The 2 we have now we got when they were 6 weeks old. The older one is 4yrs. and is mellow and doesn't bother things. The kitten is 5 months, and is just now starting to gt used to what she can and can't do ..LOL Good luck.

Check google for information.

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