missing kitty!!?

my cat leo is missing. yesterday morning we saw him. he usually comes back in the evening but he didn't last night. it has been raining so we think he might still be hiding but he usually always comes home for food. any tips for trying to find him??
if you use metal or glass dishes to feed him with, use that and a fork to bang on it to call him. whatever noise you make when getting his food ready, repeat it.

call for him in a sweet, almost distressful voice..he'll pick up on his master is in need and might come running.

try and meow like a hurt baby kitten, soft, short, piercing cries..many cats will respond naturally to a hurt kitten out of curiosity.

put his favorite meal out and hope the smell gets to him and brings him home.

keep an eye and ear open in the neighborhood.if a kitten or really cute..someone might of snagged him or least due to weather. watch for any found pet signs.

post some signs stating missing kitten..might get a lead on where he is. our beagle got out once and got lost..few days later we found her over 4 miles away and still heading away from home, just lost. not all animals have a sense of direction, specially if in new territory.

and last, hate to say it but its part of reality..check the roads a few blocks each way for any "flat marks" in case a car got him.
Look under my front tire.
No tips but tuna fish if he's around ours was just mia for 8 days and showed back up a little skinnyer but in good shape.
Put some food out for him , he knows where he has it good.
door to door asking if anyone has seen him, and put up fliers. check the pounds also.
-go to the animal shelter!
-make signs and post them(online or other)
-try walking alot of places where it might be
-ask people if they have seen it

I could help you, I know how you feel I lost my dog.
You could aways e-mail me at:

or if you have a myspace:

send me a friend request!!
Let all your neighbors know. Put out flyer's. My first cat was an indoor cat and got out at my parents while I was in the military. She was gone for two weeks and was out in a storm. I couldn't do anything. I thought she was gone forever. She showed up one day on the ledge of the house and they got her back in. I will be praying for your kitty. Maybe he was looking for a girlfriend and decided to stay out an extra night, or maybe someone felt sorry for him since it was raining and kept him and once they see your flyer's, they will give him back to you. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Our cat tinkerbelle was just a little kitten last year, and the exsact thing was happening for us too, exsept it was snowing, but the snow was comming down like crazy!! what we did is that we took snomables and snomobled around our house, we took the car around the neighborhood, and then after 2 weeks we gave up, then one day she showed up on the steps, so if your cat usually comes home, she will make her way home, but looking helps too.
Have you looked in all of the places he may be? The last time our cat "spent the night out" -- he had snuck into our storage room behind me and. yes, I closed him in. It's raining here too, and my cat seems to love it (he enjoys being all wet). Maybe Leo is out playing?
Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. It hasn't been to long so don't lose hope! I would suggest looking for him in all your spare time. (witch you have probly already been doing but still.) If he is known to not come when he is called get a bowl of food and shake it. I really hope you find him. I will pray for Leo!

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you should post up papers. The #1 thing you do is PRAY
Well if you put out his favorite food, and he did not return he may have been catnapped.
Catnapped is when a cat hangs around another house and becomes attached to someone there and decides to stay. Sometimes there is a another cat there, or he just runs to someone who pets the animal, and immediately becomes attached. Cats are like that. They love you one minutes(unlike a good ole hound dog or mutt), and divorce you the next.
Your cat may be running with a female and heat and makeoing you a grandmother. YOu could have all of the kittens you want soon.
Leave hin a peic eof good cooked liver out or good cat food. If that doesn't work he may have ran out on you.
i would wait a day or 2 before worrying, he may have just found some food somewhere or could have been to scared to go back home yet. even for food . i had a cat that was missing for 2 weeks and we were very worried about her and had given up on looking for her, calling about her etc. because we figured she wasnt coming back but the night before we went on a trip she showed up at the back door. we think she got stuck in a garage or barn or something because she was very thin and usually isnt gone that long. i hope he comes back soon!
call your local shelter and visit it. Cats have no time limit when brought in, the shelter could adopt out or euthanize it the same day. See if any of your neighbors had their cellar or garage door open. Put up signs. Call the local vets, ask the kids in the neighborhood. good luck
Try registering him on the NEW lost and found website!


We need to get the word out about this website! It will send an e-mail to anyone registered within 15 miles of your lost pet as well as giving you the ability to print a flyer!

Every little bit helps!

Good luck, I hope your kitty comes home soon!

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