Moved, Cats peeing all over basement.?

I moved a few months ago. But could not take my cats. They stayed at my parents house. one of them pees and poops all over in the basement. she seemed to stop for a few days, then started again. I have cleaned the floor with bleach and pet odor remover. Any one have any other suggestions? Thank you
Hopefully you live close to your parents, and can visit them often. Cats are very territorial, and get extremely nervous when their settings change. Cats have been known to start peeing in a room when the furniture gets rearranged!
My advice would be to spend as much time as possible with your cats to help them with the transition. I would think that having something they are familiar with (you) would help distract them from being upset with their new surroundings. Eventually, they'll get used to the new place.
give it time. GOOD LUCK.
If you can get the cats to stop, then clean it again really good, and let it air out if windows if there are any, then over time, the smell should go away. Theyr'e probably doing this because of the change.
PLEASE.. have patience with the poor guy.. he is in a different environment and does not know what to do.. is confused.. He will adjust in time
give it time .. the cat is just angry that you left .. it will get used to the fact that you left eventualy .. make sure whoever is watch ing it gives it lots of affection .. espechially when it is going in the litter box
Cleaning the area with ammonia usually helps them to not use that spot anymore. Sounds like the cat is just stressed, it should ease off over time.
Make sure the litter box is easily accessible in the basement and cleaned often. Give them extra attention too. Cats will often get angry when they no longer get the same attention they were once receiving.
put their litter box there where they are peeing. It may help. Good luck, cats can be very touchy about moves and change.
I saw something on T.V about pee marks that your pet makes. But what happen to the litter box
try selling ur cat
Same happened with my 11 yr. old cat. Many don't like dirty boxes %26 pee elsewhere. To remove the smell.just buy a bag of whole coffee beans(vanilla flavored are best) Use a couple of dishes filled with the whole beans %26 place them in the basement. Within a week, the smell will be gone but cat needs to be retrained. You can spray orange-scented deodorizer anywhere you do not want the cat to go. Place orange peels under a table.sometimes the cat will not enter under it. Fresh citrus is a deterrant.
Dr Foster's and smith catalog has products that help cats calm and adjust to new surroundings.highly recommend..worked wonders on a cross country move with 2 cats..also..might needs separate litter boxes now if they have grown any..hope this helps

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