Moving from Chicago to New York with 2 cats. What is better for the cats?

Driving with us or flying with strangers (while we drive there with our stuff). What is less traumatic for the cats?
Hi there.driving would be less traumatic than flying and less stressful for you having to meet all the travel guidelines imposed by each air carrier (e.g. health certification from a vet, rabies, airline restrictions on when you can fly if it's too cold or warm and which airline will allow in cabin travel vs. cargo travel, etc).

Here are some tips to help your kitties get used to road travel if you have a week to a few weeks before your trip. The best solution is to begin a treat reward inside the travel crates before you place it into the car so begin feeding your cats now until you leave for your trip inside the crate fulltime. If kitties will not go into the crate begin by feeding them in front/around of the crate then gradually move the food dish it into the crate.eventually when they are okay with eating in the crate gently close the door, but open it immediately while the kitties are eating to help them acclimate to this. After they appear to be okay with eating inside the crate (sometimes it will happen within a couple days) you can begin with the next step.

First take them in the car (with crates and food dish) and sit quietly with them and the crate door opened and offer them delicious treats inside the crates, which rewards them for accepting the new environment. Do this several times throughout the day and when they are showing signs of being more comfortable then you can move onto the next step. Just start the car (no driving) and offer rewarding treats again in the crate/bed still with door opened and also closed. After a few times then start the car and move it back and forth in that little area again offer treats in the crates with door opened and closed (by the way, chicken baby food is usually is an excellent treat just make sure this is Gerbers "2nd" NOT 3rd as the ingredients Onion and Garlic are toxic to kitty). Again, when the kitties shows sign of comfort then try a drive around the block once then several times gradually with the crate door closed this time. Make sure they can see you when you travel as they find comfort with their owner's familiar face and can easily hear your voice as well. If you don't have anyone traveling with you then place crates on the front passenger seat and floor so you can occasionally put your fingers through the holes to comfort them with your touch too.

Keep in mind this method is the healthiest so that you don't need to tranquilize the kitties, which should be reserved as a last resort if the kitties still are very anxious in the final stages of the training. The method I described above is how zoo trainers teach their animals to be managed without sedation.

I hope you all will have a safe and happy long journey.
I would say take them with you in the car..either way is gonna be stressful for them..but at least in the car, you can monitor how they are doing and you can take them out every once in a while and let them stretch a little..
If I were the cats I'd rather be with the people I love and trust.
I would definitely take my two cats in the car with me. Flying is very traumatic for animals, and the airline does prohibit sedating them. You Vet can give you a couple tiny Ace pills to give them about an hour before you leave, and they will be happy the entire trip. Hopefully, you will be staying over at night, so make sure you take along a small box of litter and their feeding and water dishes.
CAR! Flying would be traumatic I think, especially as they are also going through the trauma of leaving their home. At least in the car they can hear you, smell you, and you can let them out %26 check on them.
I would transport them yourself. With all the airplane security and them not being use to moving (I assume) I think it is stressful either
way but being with you would be "less' stressful than strangers.
In the car! At least you'll know they aren't being miss treated!
i had a move with 6 cats trust me riding with you is much better
My husband and I are moving with our 3 cats to Arkansas from DC in 2 vehicles. Even thought the plane trip would be 2.5 hours, my mom and I are driving wit my babies. Also don't forget you health certs which are required by law and if you need to stay in a hotel, go to its a site dedicated to pet friendly hotels.

Good luck

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