my 1 year old cat left the house for 24 hours, and our other cat, hissed at her?

i am trying to figure out why one of my cats always hisses at our other cat when one is gone for 24 hours. this past summer our youngest cat got spayed, and was gone for 24 hours, and our cat hissed/seezthed at her. why is this? i know cats are Territorially, but this seems far..
Your cat could be bringing home new scents, and maybe the other (the hissing one) doesn't reconize it.
your older cat obviously doesnt like the younger one i have a mother and daughter and mum hates her daughter and hisses and growls every time she comes too close
hissing cat might be saying "go forever"."back so soon darn".or" I missed ya and was darn worried about ya"
It is possible your escapee did the "wamsutta ballet" with another kitty, homebound kitty smells a stranger, and is pretty much calling the other a s l u t. It's natural. Not really a problem. They'll work it out themselves.
She's mad because she didn't get invited along.
cats are just like poeple. sometimes they dont like each other. cats dont appreciate when their friends go places and come back acting like nothing happened. maybe the outdoor cat met up with some other cats. theres a million reasons why and so long as they get alonhg otherwise dont worry about it.
Often when they leave the house, especially for a trip to the vet, they pick up strange smells. I am sure it was the smell your kitty was upset about and in a day or so everything will be fine again.
at our clinic we try to warm people of this if their cat went to the vet clinic. They smell differently when they come home. They have the smells of new people, other cats, and the gas anesthesia, if they had surgery. So it is common for your cat to hiss at your other one when he comes home. It will just take a little bit of time and they should be fine again.
Mine do it too. Also if I accidentally step on on one and she yowls, the other one becomes offended and hisses at the one who got hurt. The first person a cat blames is the other cat.
How did the other cat get out for 24 hours? Be vigilant about keeping them inside and that way their scents won't change.

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