My 10 week old kittens are suddenly struggling to walk, why?

Has been happening over the weekend. thought initially they might have jarred their legs but it seems to be getting worse. my wife has just taken them to the vets, I'm petrified.
This hurts me to hear. There are many possible reasons. The best thing, your wife has done, to get them to the vet`s, a.s.a.p..I will answer because you asked. #1.They should have already been eating soft can food, and if they were not given any chance too, two to three weeks ago, to see if they wanted to eat solid food and the mothers milk has dried up and or she has stop letting them nurse which by now she will have started weaning them, then they are very weak from not getting nourishment, especially fluids making them dehirated causeing weakness. The vets help is needed greatly and money to pay.#2. Its the time of year for fleas and this maybe what has happened here. Feas go for kittens like metal dust to a magnet and suck out the red blood cells making the kittens anemic, which does them like everyhing that has breath on this earth. If this is the case then money and a good vet hopefully. I learned the hard way and lost four kittens, just from fleas, this way a few years back.
#3. If the mother has Feline Luikemia and or Feline Imunvirise then she will most like gave birth to kittens with it and most always they don`t live. Thats enough negative. Now for some small hopes of possitive. Remember I`m guessing blindly as I`m not there and have only your few words to work with. I have a17yr old cat that was born with Feline Luikemia, passed from his mother and he is for the moment very healthy. 10-12yrs ago he was so weak and I got ready to take him to the vet for the last trip. As he would only eat 1/4 can of a 3oz can at time. I began feeding him every 2-3hrs that 3/4oz of food, for 3 weeks. I thought if he ate so little, but will many times in 24hrs then he will be getting lots of food for his needs, too, if possiable, for his emuine system to fight this.I also continued vet recomended prednizone. All odds were against him, as its the emune system thats the problem and prednizone shuts it down, but that is why it is used to shut it down. I also gave Mega C plus, which I feel helped and is why he`s still alive. He`s been weaned of pred slowly years ago. Others I`ve had with Luikemia have lived 1yr to 7yrs, they my have lived longer had I known things I`ve learn painfully.
If its fleas, and things are not to fare gone, they can be saved with first off defleaing home and washing all bedding. Very risky using flea treatment on kittens, get vets recomendation and aprovall first. Getting good quality kitten can foods From Nutro product, or Royal Canin. To begin with the vet can sell you some can foods specially for just such a sereise moment. Do not cut corners on quality food, as you won`t have a second chance to save them. I pray this helps them and your asking. The probable truth is not easy hear or tell. I could not make this any shorter and feel, be informative. Heres a last hope. There`s nothing wrong and there just still learning to walk. I hope and pray for there health. I`ll never know! I have 26 cats all spade and neutered. Spell check couldn`t check this long answer. I did my best, reread it 4 times.
God I hate questions like this. You have done the best possible and only thing you can do.and I wish you the best of luck friend.

You've done your best.

Let us know if you can, by adding to your question. I will look out for it.
hi, dont stress until your wife comes home with the news as you may be stressing for nothing! good luck!
If all are doing this it sounds like they may off gotten into some type of chemicals or poisin in the house. i hope thats not the case and there going to be ok.
They have an infection.make sure that they should not move alot.

food in this case should be a little large in quantity. must check the legs bone very week..!

they will soon be better best of luck

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