my 10month old kitten is very thin; is this normal for a kitten?

she is a Himalayan with a heart murmur. She eats well but never seems to gain any meat on her bones. She eats mainly dry food but we give her a little wet food a couple of times a day.
With a heart murmur, I would definitely be asking the vet about her health and well being.

Consult a vet. You may need bloodwork and a special prescription diet to maintain her health. The doctor knows best on this one (well, on any issue, really).
yes some cats are just small. but if your concerned take it to the vet
get her dewormed by the vet. The over the counter remedy don't get all the worm varieties, your vet needs to give your cat the shot that gets rid of them all.
depends, i would take her to the vet
see a vet
Yes it is normal but if you are concerned about it then take it to your vet and he/she will be able to help you out.
If a cat has many fleas it can cause them to be sickly, as can tapeworms, once in a while you can see tapeworms in their fecee's (poop) it looks like a piece of rice that moves. You really should take your cat to the vet.
I stongly suggest u try de-worming the kitten . Intestinal worm live int he digestive track and take away all the nutrences the cat eats. it may take 2 applications. You can buy over the counter wormers, or ask your vet. I suggest you do this soon. once the worms are gone she will eat and gain wight. and She.'ll feel lots better. good luck David P.S. From the link look for "roundworms"
I would say either your kitten has worms or she might have some intestinal blockage due to grooming herself. Contact a vet for medications to take care of these problems
always leave dry food down for her. give her wet food 3 times a day but get the nutritious food and give her different verities of flavors. also always leave water down. i give my cats, cat Trearts ts few times per day, they love it.

also for a special treat try some cat nip,. that will make her active and your will have a blast laughing at her..

i also boil some chicken breast and cut it up, cats love tuna, u know people food. lol
If she is boney, as in you can feel her ribs and or spine, this is not healthy and normal.
She may have other health issues or need more wet food and an appetite stimulant.

In short get her to the vet for tests, would be my advice
Take her to the vet %26 request a T4 blood test to check her thyroid level. My mom's cat was the same way %26 now she is on thyroid meds.
Also, when was the last time was dewormed??
Has she been tested for FVRC-P %26 FIV? (Feline Lukemia %26 Feline Aids)
If not have them draw enough blood for these tests as well. Cover your bases.
She is also in that gangly pre-adult age, it could just be that, but you need to be sure.
I would take her to the vet and have her checked for worms and have that heart murmur looked at again. It seems that your kitty may be a tad ill. Mine is 6 months old and normal weight, but I constantly take her to make sure her shots are updated, she has had a physical and things, she's already being spayed as well.
speak with your vet and follow your vet's advice. no one will know your pet better to advise you .
take her to the vet!

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