My 11 year old male cat won't accept my new 8 month old female kitten?

I have three cats. My 12 year old orange male tabby adopted the kitten right away. He washes her and plays with her but my 11 year old male-grey tabby does'nt like her at all! I have to keep them seperated, I've tried everything. I hold the kitten near him, he smells her and suddenly, he bites her!! I've tried a water bottle but nothing works!! It's been three months now. All he wants to do is bite her!! Any suggestions and will he come around when she's bigger because for now I don't want to leave them alone because he hurts her!!
your 11 year old is just being a guy. he doesnt like her cuz she gets more attention and she is small so he thinks he can be mean to her. im pretty sure he will get over it by just accepting her cuz she will get bigger soon and then mabe he will be nicer to her.
He's unhappy with the new addition. Nothing you can do except keep them separated until she's big enough to defend herself. He may never love her, but at some point you'll have to stop interfering so the new kitten learns the old Grey is boss. He should tolerate her then. It can be a difficult transition with cats that old. Don't force her on him by putting her in his face. That's not the right thing to do. I would let them discover each other and go from there. I would definitely keep an eye on him so he doesn't hurt her.
Hello-Sometimes they won't get along, just like some people, they either do or they don't. try to keep apart until they tolerate each other. This may take more time, but it will be worth it.

Take Care and Good Luck!
Cats are basically solitary animals. In the wild, large cats such as tigers and leopards, usually live their lives alone. Lions do live in prides but they are the exception. In the wild, a male will kill the cubs, kittens, of a cat to get the female to come into estrus again. I have cats like you that accept each other but reject other cats in the house. They have been this way for years and I don't think it will change. The cat we have that is fierce is a long haired white female. She hates the purebred Burmese cat (dark brown but looks black) to no end. It is almost classic the black/white thing going on. She loves the other male (very big white with grey spots) to no end.
Sometimes it is hard for older cats to adjust to new kittens in the house. Cats get so used to being with sertain animals and humans. I suggest that you put them both in the same room. But don't let the 12 year old cat in. It could be a jealousy thing. The 11 year old cat is probably thinks that it isnt getting any attention for the kitten because all of it is going to the 12 year old cat. Try for a couple days keeping the 12 years old cat with NO cantact with the other two. Just keep the kitten and 11 year old in the same room. If he tries to bite her scold the cat. This should teach him that he isn't aloud to do that. Keep doing that until he stops the bitting. If it goes on for more than two weeks stop completly. Maybe take it back up in about a week. If it still doesn't work. Do some reashech on the web about it. You can also talk to your vet about what you can do. Good Luck!
when the old gray one hisses and tries to bite the young kitten, just slap the * out of the gray one, open hand slap it in the head. (not too hard of course) This is how i get all my cats to love each other. We have 4: 2 (4yr old) females, a 3yr old female, and a 7 month old male kitten (who i love the most lol.) I had to teach him not to bite and claw people when he was playing, and the slapping technique worked wonders. they might resent you at first, but cats have a short memory. I usually don't let them run away after i slap them either, i keep a firm hold on them so they can't escape, then i yell at them, tell them what they did wrong, and then i usually follow that with a petting session to remind them i still like em'. Lol. i hope u don't think its too cruel, but i tell u all my cats love me, they all run to me so much i practically trip over them.
Is she fixed? That could be part of the problem. Also 11yrs. old is fairly old for cats, he probably is set in his rank {cats are very hierarchical alpha male alpha female etc..}and the last thing he wants is a young,active, rambunctious kitten around. Are you sure he's hurting her when he bites? It could just be nips to tell the little one to back off or to say: Hey!This was my human %26 house first!
It should calm down in a few months but you should also let them interact.Believe me, she'll howl loudly if he really hurts her. It looks viscous but it usually not that bad.
Stop seperating them. Unless the older cat is tearing into the younger one and seriously hurting her, they will be fine. Your older cat is just laying the ground rules so to speak and letting the kitten know whos in charge. I wouldn't worry. Besides, your little one is going to have to learn one way or another how to defend herself.

I went through this same situation when I got my daughter a kitten back in May. Our 6 year old male cat was NOT at all happy, he hissed, batted at her, bit her a couple of times and then eventually he came around. Now they get a long great.well except on his grumpy days. :-)
I have a female cat who dispises one of our recent cats. There is nothing that you can do except keep them from fighting and let them deal with it themselves.
I have the same problem, my 15 year old female doesn't like my new 8 year old male, 3 years later she still hates him, but he's learned to stay away from her and he know which rooms are 'hers'. another trick is putting penny's in a pop can and tape over the hole, when he gets near her to attack shake the noisy can(the louder the better) Or maybe he's mad at the kitten because they other cats likes her. try this web site
they might have the answer your looking for
good luck

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