My 12 year old cat has been throwing up everything she drinks and eats. Should I be worried?

is this just a stomach flu that cats get?
Hi Crystal.if you suddenly changed cat food this can cause stomach distress (vomiting/diarrhea). However, at 12 years I would suggest considering a trip to the vet as senior cats are more prone to suffer from renal failure and hyperthyroidism, both which cause vomiting. Please give your vet a ring to make an appointment to have her examined soon.
yes, your cat could have soem serious symptoms of not being loved enough, shame on you, pay more attention to it.
Yes, you should be worried. Take her to the vet for a check-up right away. Take some of her vomit in a baggie if you can, the fresher the better.
I would take her to the vet now.
yes you should be worried if it has lasted longer than 24 hours
a bit of throwing up is okay but her age and the fact she is throwing up everything take her to the vet to be sure
Time to take her to the vet for checkup. This is the only way to find out what's wrong with her. Do this ASAP before she gets worse. I know as I have a cat too;)
Its not good. Any cat may throw up occasionally, but constantly is not a good sign. Take her to the vet for a checkup. It may or may not be something to worry about, but only professional advice is really going to help. Until you get your cat to the vet, I would keep her in, and make sure there's plenty of fresh water for her to drink.

The only other thing I can think of is if you have changed your cat's brand of food recently. I tried a certain new brand of cat biscuits with my 15-year-old cat recently, and she threw it up every time she ate it. Changed her biscuits again, and now she's fine.
Yes get her to the vet. I don't want to depress or scare you but my 16 year old cat got like this right before I had to put him to eternal rest. Hopefully yours won't be this serious. I took good care of my boy so don't let others make you feel bad. Like human health, things can suddenly go wrong with our best friends. Our animals. Best of luck. Let us know what happens. Will put on my watch list.
constant vomiting is perfectly normal..

If you love your pet you'll take her to the vet now. It's not normal for any creature to just throw up.
I do not know what is wrong without more information. If I were real worried I would take her to the emergency Vet, but if no one is open take her to the humane society, or my own vet in the morning.
yes go to the vet
no ,just give him a bathe it's cuase he licks him self and he swallowed too much fur
Please take her to the vet it maybe something simple like a fur ball, but maybe not, the very best of luck.
Umm its OK for them to throw up sometimes but not after every time they eat and drink Sorry but i would be worried if I were you take her to a vet asap Hope every thing gos okay good luck
why havent you taken your cat to the vet?
OF COURSE YOU SHOULD BE WORRIED. But you knew that or you wouldn't have asked the question-take her to the vet

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