My 15 year old cat is pooping next to her litter box several times/ day and throws up regularly. What is this?

I took her to the vet and all the tests came out fine. She is not lethargic, seems to have a good appetite, and seems in good spirits. She has been loosing weight as she is getting older. She will poop at least three times and not go to the many litter boxes we now have all over the house. When she throws up there is a lot of velocity behind it. We get her this supposedly natural and high quality food. Should I take her off the dry food and cook rice and chicken for her?
I've got the same problem with my oldest cat.

First, the pooping and the puking could be two different things. She may be pooping because she is mad. Possibly not happy with the food, or not happy with any changes to her diet.

Which of course could mean that the food is making her sick.therefore the throwing up.

Didn't your vet schedule anymore tests or diagnostic procedures? He/she didn't just say "well, go me stumped, oh well." He or she should continue to follow this until they can nail it down.or you should find another vet.
I have had three cats that threw up every time they ate dry food with red coloring in it.--Just a suggestion.
if it is under something move it or if it is watch or let it have another cat! I am really goood with cats!
your vet performed all the tests? im sorry but it doesnt sound to me like your cat is well! plus she's getting old so it just really sounds like she's sick. but why would she go right next to the litter box? its almost like she does know where she is supposed to go, but is being defiant, or looking for attention, or something else. who konws.

anyway, if everything seems fine (health-wise) right now (according to your vet at least), i dont see any problem with giving her rice and chicken for a few days. after 4 or 5 days if her behavior is the same then you can always go back to the dry food. i have a friend who gives his dog rice and chicken because of a sensitive stomach, and the problems cleared up after he started giving this special diet. plus, the dog loves it! and he can cook a bunch at the beginning of the week and then he has the food ready for feeding time, so its not much more inconvenient than giving dry food. i'd try it out and see how it goes, it definitely wont hurt anything.
why the hell would you feed a cat rice? do take the cat off the dry food though because the cat probably has a weak immune system in this kind of condition and dry food is going to be hard for the cat to digest, anyway feed the cat wet food from a can and the reason is there is usually vitamins minerals EFA (essential fatty acid) which includes the omega complex ( 3. and 6. and.. etc) there are a lot of good brands, trust me on this the cat will thank you.
Im so sorry that i didnt type all the information to you. I didnt because it is way to much to type.! But I know for fact that this will help you go to though it says kitten it means cats too).! I went to that website and it was alot of information. I sure this will help BUT. if it doesnt see a vet. But it will help. I know for sure. GOOD LUCK!
your cat might be getting ready to 'go'
I have a 15 year old cat going through the same things. I started giving him 3 small meals of wet food a day and just leaving the dry food for him to snack on through the day. That seemed to help with the vomiting, not so much with the litter box though.
try another vet..she is telling you something by her actions. get different litter
my cat did the same thing, he would go nex to the box and would get sick, sometimes just liquid. the vet said everything was fine but not to long ago he passed away, the reason was cancer, i suggest having the vet look for cancer, and mentaly prepare yourself for when he passes, i had my cat for 15 years, if he hadent had cancer he would still be here.

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