My 16 yr old female cat is very thin.?

We had a bloodtest done on her and it is fine. What can be the matter and what do you suggest?
At the age of 16, this is perfectly normal. Nearly all ageing cats grow thinner. Just make sure she has a good senior diet that has the right nutrients for an older cat.

Otherwise don't worry.
She could have worms, or it could be old age. But cancer also thins a cat.
16 is getting up there in years for a cat, and older cats sometimes get thin. Keep an eye on her, follow the vet's advice, make sure she's eating %26 has plenty of clean water to drink (and that she's drinking it), pet her often and let her know that she's loved.
If the vet has ruled out hyperthyroidism, diabetes etc from the blood work and there are no masses detected on a "feely" exam then you might just assume it is related to her ageing.

Is she eating well? My 22 year old cat has kidney disease and severe arthritis and she eats very well. She is bony around her shoulders and upper back and has quite a tummy on her.

I would keep a check on her weight. You can usually just run a cat by the vet's and have them weigh her. So get a base line on that now and then weigh again in two or three months. If she is losing weight then the vet would need to look into the possibility of something more serious going on with internal organs.
Does she drink lots of water? You might do a little test. Grab a handful of fur/skin on her back over her spine and gently pull it up and let it go. I she's well hydrated it should slip back into place, if she's not it will slowly go back down. My 16 year old has kidney problems and has dropped a lot of weight in the last year. I have a sub-dermal IV thing I use sometimes that doesn't hurt him but gives him extra liquids if he gets dehydrated. I also have extra water bowls around the house. Also, she could have worms.
well hopefully if all the blood tests were fine, it might just be due to her old age. Does she eat well and is still thin or does she not have much of an appetite. Does your vet carry a product called Nutrical? This is very fattening and high protein and cats usually like the taste of it. I used this to supplement my cats diet as he got older and dropped in weight. Ask your vet about the prescription diets they have available.there is one that is used for animals without an appetite (if that is the problem) that I think you can use temporarily to fatten him up.might be A/D prescription diet..not positive if this is the one..but it might be.

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