my 2 cats dont get along with the new kitty?

i have 2 cats and we just got another lastnite. and my 2 cats arent gettin along with the new cat. what do i do? my cats hiss and run away from the cat.
Of course they are not going to get along. Your two cats are territorial of their home and space.It's Never a good idea to just plop a new animal in the home and expect all the animals to get along.

You need to have a separate space for the new cat with his/her own litter box and food and water. Keep them apart for a few days. During the evening for a few hours gradually let the new cat out to explore, but KEEP and eye on all the cats and be prepared to separate the kitties again. Do this for a few more days. As they get used to each other you will eventually be able to let them be together without too many issues.

However if the cats do not get along or just tolerate each other after two weeks, generally they will never get along. Hopefully the new cat is younger than your other two. And hopefully your other two cats are not past 7 years old if the new cat is younger than 2 years old. Ages and genders of the three cats do make a difference as well.
You shouldn't have taken another cat. The cats might get used to him but if they don't, then you really can't do much about it. You might have to give it away. Sorry.
put the new cat in a room with Food water and Litter box. keep the door shut let the cats go back and forth. pass the door they will smell and hiss growl etc.etc, then bring the new one out supervised only for a hour or two a day keep doing that till they can pass by each other and growl but not slap or fight. they will come around give the older one extra love and explain to them that the new baby is here to stay. they will start settling down. I've been thru this twice and Now I have 4 that live in peace together.
We brought a kitty into my home where an older cat lived. At first we thought we were going to have to get rid of the kitty but eventually our cat got along with the kitten. We watched the older cat at first making sure she wouldn't hurt the kitten but they'll grow used to each other, and eventually get along. It may take some time and patience though. Good Luck
give it some time and hold your cats as often as you normally would to reassure them you still love them.. hold the kitty and approach them as their "master" (if such a thing actually exsists with cats) and allow them to sniff and explore while you have the kity. keep them apart while you are away, and repramand them when they are "mean" to the kity, but don't let the kity do anything that would be considered rude, like eat from their bowl etc. it will reduce the number of fights.
Put the new cat in the bathroom with a litter box (only temporary), food, and a NEW(!) blanket to be "theirs". Close the door. Be overly affectionate to all 3.

Next day. Open the door a little.

Two days later. Have a "group" brushing. Using 3 seperate brushes, brush them equally, taking turns (5 strokes for you, then 5 for you). Start with the dominate (one you had before).

Four days later. Mark out space on your bed for everybody. Give each their fave place. Fluffy's blanket on your pillow, Scruffy's at your feet, and New Guy at your side. PUT THE NEW ONE AT YOUR SIDE!

Also: give the cats one on one with the new one. This slows ganging up on New Guy.

Good luck!
This is a slow and steady process. The new kitten should be confined to 1 area. The older cats will know where it is by smell, but they can't see it. This should be done for a couple of days. Then, leave something out with the older cats that smell like the new cat and vice versa. This way they will get used to the smell and this should also be done for a couple of days. Then, the older cats should be allowed to see the new cat (while the new cat is inside of a carrier or a collapsible cage). This should also happen a couple of days. Then, you can let your new cat out in general population and the older cats will not be so quick to hiss and run away from the new cat.
This behavior is completely normal and will wear off after a few weeks. Cats are very territorial. Your new kitty will eventually be accepted into the pack, but don't force it, allow them to scope each other out slowly. Trust when I saw, it will work out fine, once they realize the little kitty is harmless.
Excellent advice all round, especially from erica.
My new kitten has been with us for 3 weeks now and my two 3 year olds are just now starting to accept him. They're not completely happy about the situation yet but things are starting to get back to normal.
At first they hissed and ran from him but now they hiss and chase him. They're also at the touch noses and see what's what stage.
Time, patience and equal love and attention to all three seems to wok.

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