my 2 kittens have started to poo in the lounge,?

i have 2 kittens that are 18 weeks old, they are both males and i have had them for a week, they were really good to start off with using the litter tray and they have just started to go outside now, but the past few days we have noticed that they have started to poo in the lounge but they are still using the litter tray and are still going outside does anyone know why they are doing this and how to stop them?
Your cats are marking their territory. Try putting the litter tray in the lounge and keep an eye on them. When you see them trying to do the toilet lift them on to the tray. They should eventually go to the tray themselves and if you then move it out of the room, they will go looking for it.If this does not work, rub the area they are using with the peel of any citrus fruit such as oranges or lemons, cats don't like this and it could be a use-full deterrent to break this behaviour and it is harmless. Please be aware that with them being male, when they are a few months older, they will start to spray their territory with a smell like ammonia. This can be stopped by getting them neutered.
They are stressed, see your vet.
Take them to the vet, maybe they are sick.
If you always keep them outside then they will always poo outside.If they use the litter box then that is great. Are you complaining about this?
I don't know why they're doing it, but while you're trying to work it out they'll continue, so put a litter tray in the spot they do it and take things more slowly. They're too young to go outside and too new to your household. If they haven't had their innoculations yet, they shouldn't be going outside at all. They might be scared, they might be protesting, who knows? Anyway, so put a litter tray there and get them used to using it there too if they insist. Then take everything more slowly. I'm sorry I can't be more help - these things can be a real pain.
its prob a male power thing. poo and wee is the animal way of marking territory, usually wee, poo is often a sign of stress. they might be in a battle of whos alpha male. soon will stop
you are confusing them with the whole inside/outside thing.
get them nutered, they may be each trying to be dominate comes spraying urine all over the house.that is rank..get them fixed..let your vet know what they are doing.
The best thing i can tell you is to * KILL THEM LITTLE SONS OF BITCHES yours truly have a nice day
they seem confused. it should work itself out
The first time the cats "poo'd" in the lounge there was probably a specific reason, like the litter box was too dirty, they were scared, or perhaps they ate something that went through them too quickly. If the location where they relieved themselves was not properly and quickly cleaned and disenfected, they will smell traces of their waste and begin to associate that smell with being able to relieve themselves. When a kitten is being litter box trained, the box needs to be cleaned daily, the kitten needs to be brought to the box several times a day to "remind" them of where it is okay to relieve their waste, and if the kitten has an accident, the spot of the accident must be cleaned extremely well so that no scent remains. I suggest cleaning with bleach if it is a linoleum or cement, a cleaner with Pine scent if it is a carpet or upholstery followed by a nice blast of lysol. After cleaning carpet or upholstery, another good way to eliminate odors is to sprinkle borax on the area, then vacuum up later.
Check this out:
Its about establishing territory you should have them 'done' but in the interim use citronella oil either around the area or right round the skirting of the lounge, it deters them and doesn't mark anything.
When cats start pooping in a certain spot, they have claimed that area as their own. A way to stop them is to slightly dilute white vinegar and put it where they are pooing. The smell deters them from going there and they just might start sticking to going to the bathroom outside and in the pan!
go get another litter tray and put that in ure front room
Perhaps they just want to be with you ,if you can bear it put the litter tray in the lounge and gradually move it outside ,bless them they re not very old but cat`s are very clean,give them a few more week and you`ll wonder what all the fuss was about ,if you want to ease the smell if they make a mistake use soda water ,works every time,good luck
My Mum told me to put pepper down where you don't want them to poop, so when you've cleaned up the mess put some pepper down and they wont go there again. Hopefully it wont take a roomful of pepper to stop them! 18weeks sounds way young to be going outside, my 2 are 6months old and only allowed out under supervision (they don't know their names and just run off!), maybe they re stressed? If the pepper doesn't work then I reckon a chat with your vet would be useful. Good luck!
Pehaps they are a bit confused, if you have only had them a week.

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