My 3 year old cat just wont get along with a 4 month old kitten i got a few weeks ago,she hisses all the time!

She hardly comes inside anymore and seems like shes mad not only at the kitten but at my husband and I also.
you probably introduced them incorrectly. the proper way to introduce two cats is to let them smell something of each others first, a blanket or somethign so they can get familiar with it. cats don't work like people. then slowly expand the newcomer's territory. they have to get used to each other. he's clearly ANGRY at the new arrival. HE feels liek you are bringing an intruder into HIS territory. Give him plenty of attention. He's mad at you because you are responsible for bringing the kitten in the houshold and the kitten for being there. eventually he is going to get used to the ktiten but probably not for a while. you need to supervise all interaction until it is clear he is no longer mad. this will take a while. but you do not want this poor kitten destroyed. You should confine the two cats to seperate areas of the house and itnroduce them seprately and let them gradually get to know each other through smell. Let the older cat have his normal routine and put the kitten in a confined space. and then gradually reintroduce them. as the older cat's anger simmers down and he gets used to the idea that he's not he only cat in the house any more he will get used to it, you should be praisng him and letting him know he is LOVED like crazy with LOTS of attention. after they have sniffed each other's property, they get to sniff each other's ENVIRONMENT! The cat goes into the holding place where the kiten has been living and the kitten gets to explore the rest of the house for a short period of time. (make sure you will be able to catch the kitten he may not want to be caught after being in that confined space.) in the mean time after a period of time, when you feel hey both can handle it, for short periods of time they can start to interact with each other. After that they should be ok to mingle for longer and longer periods of time under supervision until they dont' show any aggression.
aww this happened with my cats we finally just had to get rid of our new kitten =[
Hi, I recently got a 7 week old kitten, and my 2 year old was mad, so jealous, Maybe because she feels this is only her house, but try to baby the old cat as much as you do the young one, my 2 year old hissed all the time be4 too, she still occasionally does but now she plays with her a little too, maybe in time your older one will come around, just give her lots of attention and let her know you love her as much still.
maybe the three year old is jealous of the four year old maybe she used to get all the attention but know she has to share the attention
I have had this issue too. I used to have older cats and when we'd bring home kittens the olders ones would be standoffish and even agressive. The only thing you can do is to slowly let them get used to each other. My cats are still separated by age but no longer fight and respect one another a lot more.
unfortunately it takes alot of time, patience and you have to let the older cat know that you still love her have to introduce them slowly this is the key
My cat did the same thing when we got a kitten. She was just expressing her displeasment. The cat will eventually come around and start to swat at the kitten to establish a pecking order. Cats have their own personallity and moods (as i am sure you are aware). Fortunatelly the also forgive. Have you ever left your first cat alone for a few days. Then when you come home the cat is right their to check to see if you are okay then it disappears for a few hours (days)? It is basically the same thing
First of all, the kitten is in the cats turf. He will hiss and try to nip at it for a while until he gets used to the kitten. Just keep an eye on both for a while to make sure the kitten doesn't get bullied bad. Try to get them in the same room for about 30 minutes a day. Once the cat sees that the kitten is no threat, he will eventually calm down and be the same old cat as before. Just don't expect them to be buddies especially if they are the same sex. cats are very territorial and will try to chase any other cats in their home. good luck
It's a territory / possession thing - she'll get over it once she gets
used to it. Give her some special treats for awhile.
This takes time. As long as you let them take time to get used to each other they will most likely be fine. When my cat was 3 I got a kitten and he didn't care for her for about a year, then they loved each other.. to sleep together and give each other a bath. Then I got another kitten when my 2nd cat was a year old and then she was mad for a while but it didn't last. They all get a long great now.
the cat thinks she's not the baby anymore -just like kids no different but on a [simpler level],show her some extra love or get rid of the kitten and the husband [LOL]
You don't need me to tell you that your 3 year old cat doesn't like other cats. Your 3 year old is letting you know how much she doesn't like them. She hisses at the the kittens letting them know that this is my territory and I'm the boss. If this behavior isn't taken care of you better plan having cat fights when the kittens get older and maybe even worse. Just imagine curtains shredded and cats marking their territory or the 3 year old cat even running away. Cats have been known to be so jealous of other cats they act out in violent ways on the owners.
The best way to handle the situation is with behavior modification.
Go to and order "New Beginnings" for your older cat. It will definitely help her get over her problems with the kitten and restore a good relationship between her and your husband and yourself.

At bottle costs $16.95, no shipping, handling, or taxes. You simply shake the bottle well and put three or four drops on your cat's fur between her ears. Treat her as often as you can for a week or ten days.

This is simple, inexpensive and there is nothing else that will do this job.

It will improve the situation between the cat and kitten greatly and heal her of any resentment she has for you and your husband.
My year old cat acts the same way with my 5 month old. We've had the younger one about 3 months now and it is starting to get better. They still chase each other and occasionally hiss, but it is not nearly as bad as it was when we first got him. I think the only thing to do is baby the older one too and just give it time. If it doesn't get better though, you'll have to get rid of the baby.
i know your talking about cat but when i boat a bay be shark and let him swim with my old shark he got mad and just when i was sleeping i saw my old shark eat in my new bay be shark but yea i did not really care of that bay be shark bc me and my old shark we new each other for 2 year
Territory is definitely the major problem. There may also be another, smaller problem. Your older cat may find the kitten annoying. Here is a little paragraph about this:
Awwwe sweetie, she is mad, you brought another animal into her territory. But believe it or not, your cat will adjust, it's part of her nature to be protective over her home, but once she realizes the kitten is of no threat, she will adjust and go about her normal ways. The same thing happened to my kitty's, but after about a month they were chums, playing with eachother. It took a little longer for them to learn to share the food bowl and every once in awhile, they hiss at eachother, but it due to the older cat wanting to rest while the kitten wants to play. So don't worry, it will work out, just takes adjustment time. Good luck.
Really show affection to the older one. It could get better in time.

Unfortunately, you must not have tried how to introduce new pets into your home. Oh well, too late.

As long as the older one is not physical with the kitten, give it time.

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