My 4 month old Kitty will not cover her poo in the litterbox.?

She covers her pee.since she doesn't cover her poo, she winds up stepping in it, ugh! I am so tierd of chasing her around when she steps out of her box so I can clean her feet. Any suggestions?
To help keep your home free of little litter trails, follow one of these four simple tips:
1. Use a hooded box.
2. Put the litter box inside a large cardboard box. Your cat must step into the larger box first before leaving the litter area.
3. Put an empty tray next to litter box so she must step into empty tray before leaving
the litter box.
4. Scoop at least once a day.
your cats still pretty young, so chances are that she will figure out how to cover her poo eventually. until then, just try your best to keep up with your little kitty.
Wow. that is a tricky one.

Female cat.

First thought is too not let her out of her litter box right away. Keep her confined and do a little parenting/educating while she's in there. Get hold of her little paw and help her cover her poop.

Next is a request for more information. Is it just you and the kitten in the house? No other pets? No other house hold members?

If that is the case you might consider getting another kitten. That kitty buddy might have a bit more luck teaching her the ropes when in the potty area. The other option is a puppy. Hear me out! This isn't as wierd as it might sound! She will see puppy monster and might veiw him as a competitor. Cats are preprogramed too hide their waste from their competitors (with the noted exception of stud males that are flaunting the fact that they "get some"). Also you would have the added benifit of having a bestest buddy for your cat when you weren't home.

Really. cats and dogs can be GREAT freinds if they are properly introduced together.

I hope this helps.
It could be the litter that you are using. Try changing to a higher quality litter and see if that works. My kitten had the same problem until I changed the brand I was using to a better one.

Try putting the litter box in a more private place (i.e: laundry), see if that works.

Most cats will leave the box where there is no poop. Clean the litter tray once a day and make sure it's clean.
Are you sure it's a she? Tom cats often will not cover their waste up.
I agree with the first answer. Your cat is young, and may still have box problems. Mine did but she also got sick of poop on her paw. She'll get there mom just give her a chance.

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