My 5 month old kitten has Diarrhoea and wind, that won't go away. does anyone know any treatments?

take a serious look at your kittens diet as it's more than likely this. Don't give it dairy products as this will give your kitten the exact symptoms that you've just described. Make sure that you have yur kitten wormed and vaccinated also. If your kittens still sick, go to the vet asap
A cork - but that is only a stop-gap solution.

(phew - one person has a sense of humour)
hahahahaha! sorry thats tickled me, just squeeze it really hard while pointing it at someone your dont like, splat!! hahah
Take it to a vet.
The best course of action is to take the kitten to see the vet - it's the only way you'll get proper diagnosis and treatment that doesn't rely on guesswork or trial and error.
take notice of what you are feeding the kitty..milk is not good for them %26 give them diarrhea (and gas) and it could be the kind of cat food you are feeding - try to upgrade the food. I have had the same problem with a couple of my kitties in the past. As for the advice by many to go to a vet, (I did that all the time when I first was getting into cats and time after time i would get the advice I just shared with you but kept rushing off to the expensive vet visit. Unless, the kitty is warm %26 sweating, dehydrated, look for physical distress symptoms before you go broke at the vets office.good luck. Having a pet is a lot about trial %26 error , that is part of the 'having %26 deciding to take responsibility for a pet' is all about.
Please take your kitty to the vet with a stool sample.
Cornflour, doesn't cure the diorrhoea but thickens it up a bit. About the gas, bag it and use it to fill your lighter.
You can give him/her a little Pepto Bismol. I gave it to my cat when he got sick. If that doesn't work, take him/her to the vet.
take her to the vet it could be serious. it also could be the food ;your feeding her. too much milk could be doing it but she should go the vet. anyway she is old enough to be spayed or neutered if a male.
hiya hun
what food is your cat on? some foods can be to rich
we have had over 30 cats and we found them new homes we dont do it no more due to haveing 2 kids
i would ring a vet if you are worried it could be anything
but try her with new food
do you have a dog? the cat could be eating the dog food
but you need to ring the vet before trying any answers on here
dont give her milk give her water and dont feed her till she has seen the vet
you can feed her a bit if you cant see the vet till tomorrow
do you think she has lost weight? how long has she been like this? is she eating and drinking?
if she has been like this for a while then you need ring the vets asp
Please take your kitten to the vet asap. If the diarrhoea is persistent he could be becoming dehydrated. Don't feed diary products as this could be the cause.
Try not to give the kitten any milk, give water instead. You can get kitten milk from the supermarket in the pet food aisle. Milk usually causes these symptoms. Hope this helps!
You could try with-holding food for 24 hours, this will give the digestive tract a rest and give it a chance to repair itself and then feed a light Chicken, Fish. (You can also get a food call: Feline Sensitivity from your vet, save you having to cook up fresh)Then try introducing the kitten food over a course of say 5 days with the sensitivity or chicken/fish diet.

If the diarrhoea persists or has blood or mucous in it take the kitten to the vet.

The vet may also prescribe a product called Canikur or Pro-Kolin to help the digestive tract.

Best of luck
Try a bucket of water and a good strong usually works !
If you don't have money to take it to the vet try crushing natural b12 vitamins (paper and spoon (1 1/2 pill is fine), and mix really well into egg yolk, a little water and dry cat food. Wait until the cat food is soft, before serving. To pack with even more vitamins, add chewable cat vitamins as well.

When I didn't have any money to take to vet, this remedy helped boost my cats health until I got money to take them to one.
phone up your local vet a.s.a.p, and then in the meanwhile, don't give your young kitten any dairy produce, for example kitten milk in cartons, or cows milk. Leave out wet food, and buy some solid food, asda/ big supermarkets sell kitten biscuits, and just give water to drink. Also, ask your vet whether to buy vitamin supplements, is your kitten eating in a nice, quiet, unhurried place aswell?
Diarrhoea in kittens is never great news they can get dehydrated very quickly. It's probably diet related but you really should take it to the vet for a check up. In the meantime, just give it a very bland diet - a little bit of chopped up chicken or fish. You could even trying putting a small amount of cooked rice down.
what are you feeding it? some cats are very sensitive to the foods they are given. first keep the cat on one good quality cat food,preferably dry, for a couple of weeks. just the one food and water, no treats, no human food, period. if that doesn't work ma bey it has a bacterial imbalance in it's intestines. you can get live acidophiles culture at pet stores or even some feed stores, a little bit of that in everything it eats should help balance the good bacteria in the digestive tract.
My little boy puss was the same.he has chronic diarrhoea from about 3 months until a month ago (he's year old). I wormed him and took a stool sample to the vet, they said nothing was wrong, but he still had it. I have recently stopped feeding him cat food and feed him a combination of chopped beef, kidney, tuna in spring water and chicken (all raw, not mixed together but in the same bowl sometime.) He loves it and has not had diarrhoea since.
Worm him, then get him checked out at the vet first to make sure he doesnt have any parasites and if the vet says he's ok then just feed him good raw meat and dry cat food.
Sometimes a bit of cat grass can help to - you might be able to get it from a nursey - its usually in the herb section.
Hope your little puss gets better!
whatever you do, DO NOT Give your cat human medicine as some idiot above suggested, it could kill it. The only person qualified to give you a diagnosis is a vet, get your cat there straight away.
yes, your vet will have lots of treatments. I should get the kitten to the vet ASAP before it dies from dehydration.
It sounds as though the food you are feeding the little' gas bag' is too rich..wee soul! try a dried food diet.tinned and sachet food can be to rich and can irritate the stomach. avoid all dairy products cats cant tolerate them either especially when young.make sure he/she has plenty water throughout the day.check out a few websites. try the 'cat clinic' - website they are dedicated to cats and are of great help..>^..^%26lt;

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