Three pet tips you must live by

Do you love your dog or cat? Do me a favor -follow these three easy tips to make everyone's life healthier and happier!

1) I will not feed my dog or cat table scraps
Studies show your pet will live a longer, healthier life if she’s in good shape, yet 40 to 70 percent of the pet population is obese. The extra pounds strain your animal’s musculoskeletal system, heart and lungs. To maintain a healthy weight, a cat should be consuming around 200 calories a day on average, and a large dog needs just 800—but it’s impossible to keep track when you toss her leftovers from your plate. Just one slice of bacon or an ounce of steak, for example, has about 50 calories—and the high fat content can lead to a host of health issues, including inflammation of the pancreas, vomiting, and diarrhea. To help break the habit, opt for a low-cal pet snack if she begs during dinner, or keep her in another room altogether when you sit down for a meal.

2) When I say no, I’ll mean it
As hard as it is to reprimand that furry little face, setting rules will make for a better-behaved and (believe it or not) happier animal. Owners don’t realize they are often to blame for their pet’s neuroses—such as jumping up during feeding time or scratching up furniture—because they don’t consistently discourage the bad behavior. Get your family on the same page when it comes to enforcing rules: For example, make sure everyone in your family gets your dog to sit and stay before you pour his food or open the door to let him out (and acknowledge when your pet listens with a simple reward like a pat on the head or a scratch behind the ears). With cats, if she’s tearing up your couch or furniture with her claws, be extra firm with your no's (i.e., she may need a water gun spray as a reminder), and provide a catnip-laced scratching post as an alternative. Be consistent with positive feedback, too—when she chooses the post instead of the couch, be prepared with a treat.

3) I will take my pet for an annual check-up
Just because your pet is indoors doesn't mean she doesn't need routine care! My years working as an emergency room vet taught me one important lesson: if owners brought their animals in for more regular exams and sooner (versus waiting until their pet's symptoms are really bad), they would not only avoid many expensive visits to the ER vet, but also save their pet from suffering. Chronic kidney failure, hyperthyroidism, and diabetes are three common conditions all marked by symptoms that are easy to dismiss, such as excessive drinking, urinating, and weight loss. A simple check-up and routine blood work could prevent many fatal cases. You should also see your vet twice a year for an oral exam—dental disease can lead to deadly organ infections. Remember: the sooner your vet diagnoses and treats any potential problems, the better the prognosis.

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