Calico Tabby Cat

Calico Tabby Cat
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A feral cat resting in the shade, enjoying the last of summer, this kitty is part calico and part tabby - reminding me of Grandma Feral Cat. If you look closely, you can see that her right ear is tipped so I can keep track of her. Hopefully she's having a good life for a feral cat. I try, anyway.

As for me, I'm still working on getting myself pulled back together from having that pulmonary embolism. It was painful and scary and now I'm having trouble sitting at the computer for more than a few short minutes. But I'll keep working on it.

All this medical emergency drama has kept me from taking a lot of new photos, too, and that is another thing I need to work on. Life is just full of uncertainties, isn't it?

Fujifilm Superia 1600 ISO

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