Fashion News
One day at the end of last winter, when I had absolutely had it with cold and gloom, I saw a woman wearing a red peacoat in my work parking lot. The sight of that bright coat perked me up immediately, and I decided I had to have a red peacoat too. But by then, most coats were gone from stores, and I didn't want to spend a lot anyway. I looked for one at thrifts all summer, but no luck. Now I'm keeping my eyes open as this year's coats come in.
In other news, I fell in love with this Lauren Moshi tee from the September issue of InStyle. It's not my usual style, but there's just something about it. After discovering that it costs $125 (there is no excuse for this. Seriously), I decided to get crafty. I found a three-quarter sleeve gray tissue tee on clearance at Target for $6. Then I asked my graphic designer brother if he could somehow cut out the bow graphic so I could print it onto iron-on paper. It didn't work (and probably would have been a violation of copyright anyway). So I'm still looking for a similar large, striped bow graphic. If anyone finds one, please send it my way.
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