My day of culture.

dixon2010 (1)

Sunday was a relaxing and cultured day for me. After church, Myla and I went to the Brooks for the final day of the Who Shot Rock n' Roll exhibit, featuring both famous and little-seen photos of rock stars. It was cool. I have to admit that my favorite was "Girls In a Hotel Who Have Just Seen New Kids on the Block," circa 1990... my generation's contribution. It was next to an equally fantastic photo of crazed British girls trying to get past some constables to see the Beatles.

Later, I went to our other major art museum, the Dixon. My parents' friends had given me their tickets to Symphony in the Gardens there. I couldn't find anyone to go with me, so I went alone and am really proud of myself for doing so. :) The fall weather was too perfect not to go! Admission to the museum and gardens was free with the symphony ticket, so I went early and looked at some sculpture and plants. The symphony itself was great. They have a new conductor who was wonderful at engaging the audience and sharing interesting things about the music. She also said that Dvorak is one of her favorite composers and asked anyone with Czech heritage to wave their hands (I'm a quarter Czech). :) My parents have season tickets to the symphony, so I'm hoping to tag along to a few more performances.

After all that, it was still pretty early, so I watched some of the Dolphins/Jets game with my dad and brother. I saw it through to the end at home, although it was painful (and I scared the cats more than once with my shouting and hopping). Brush it off, Fins!

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