Inspirational “I” Personalities

Have you recognized your child’s personality in the examples so far? There is one more left and it is the child with the high I profile. See if you can tell the characteristics of this child from the following letter. It was written to Bethany Hamilton, the young surfer who lost her arm in a shark attack. We studied Bethany’s story in a guidance lesson about people who overcame great difficulties and finished strong. Here’s the letter:

Dear Bethany,

My name is Carleigh. I’m enjoying learning about you. What do you like to do when you’re not surfing? Are you still surfing? Are you married, and do you have any kids? Lots of people like you. You are the people’s competition winner! Oh, yay, have a great Halloween and have a great Christmas with your family. And tell your family members have a great day and have great holidays.


Sincerely, Carleigh

P.S. You’re a great surfer and keep up the good work! It’s possible so do what you got to do Bethany! You’re a great person and don’t ever forget that. Your parents raised you swell.

I think from this letter, you might feel like you know more about Carleigh, the student, than Bethany the surfer. Do the words, inspirational, impressionable, imaginative, friendly, talkative, outgoing, enthusiastic, warm and fun come to mind? You have just described the child who is high I. They love to be the center of attentive, are extremely social, excited, warm and friendly. They are a people person, not a task oriented person. If you want someone to boost your spirits or to plan a party, talk to an I personality. However, if you want to get the job done…maybe you want to find another personality type. Just as with all the personalities, the I profile has weaknesses including unfocused, impulsive, unrealistic and directionless. What can you do to help the high I child succeed? Provide the high I child with recognition and they will flourish. At the same time they need to have clear boundaries and be held accountable and responsible. Don’t let them talk their way out of the necessary chores and details of life. You will get better cooperation in this area if you can make their responsibilities into a game or contest. Resist bailing them out when they fail to follow-through and help them develop the discipline necessary to accomplish their goals. Enjoy your high I child as much as they enjoy life!

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