December Books + 2010 Total

Runaway by Meg Cabot
I waited so long to read this conclusion to the Airhead trilogy that disappointment was probably inevitable. I enjoyed it, but felt that MC dropped to her worst writing tropes (i.e. headdeskingly clueless heroine) just in time to wrap up an intelligent, fun story. Maybe it was just me.

Anchored In Love: An Intimate Portrait of June Carter Cash by John Carter Cash
I sort of relate to June Carter Cash as portrayed in Walk the Line, and was interested in the true details of her life and her marriage to Johnny. This biography was written by their only son and child together (they each had several daughters from previous marriages). I prepared to be inspired - and I was, but not in the ways I expected. After so much depiction of their relationship as a Southern fairy tale, I was saddened and disillusioned by some of the facts. But there's no doubt that June was an incredibly strong woman.

Matched by Ally Condie
THE YA dystopian novel of this season - it's sort of a more romantic teenage version of The Giver. For me, it suffered slightly from overhype, but overall I thought it was great and look forward to the sequels!

The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Rolling by Neta Jackson
My last book for 2010 - I stayed up late last night to finish it. :) I finally bought the last two Yada Yada books so I can finish the series. As with all the other books, the Extreme Diversity and charismatic influences are heavy-handed, but there's no doubt that these stories put me in a more God-centered mindset. Plus, I always enjoy good individual AND group character development over a long period of time. One more to go!

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart
In this novel, Frankie, a brilliant but underestimated teenager at a New England boarding school, beats her boyfriend and his buddies at their own secret-society game. I loved it. Most of the characters were the kind of smart, quick people I've always enjoyed hanging around. :)

Get Off Your Knees and Pray by Sheila Walsh
An encouraging, easily understandable look at cultivating a lifestyle of prayer. I LOVE Sheila Walsh - she's so real and down-to-earth.

Books for December: 6
2010 FINAL TOTAL: 67

There's been an obvious decline in my year-end reading totals over the last few years. I guess that's what happens when you get older and develop more interests. And start subscribing to a lot of magazines. :\ But it's been a great year of reading no matter what the numbers say. Yay books!

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