Do cats like to swim?

Don’t you dare let your boyfriend read this and think he can put your cat into the tub or swimming pool - that is, unless your kitty is a Turkish Van. This unique breed of cat has been recognized by the Cat Fanciers’ Association since the mid-1990s and is one of the only cats that actually chooses to play in the water. Because these cats were bred near Lake Van in eastern Turkey, they have passed on their swimming gene that makes them the Amanda Beard of cats. Not to be confused with the Turkish Angora, the Van has ultrasoft, quick drying fur that helps them regain their hairdo and composure immediately after a dip.

All other non-Van cats usually despise swimming and generally prefer not to be tortured with a bath. While cats may be curious and want to dip their paw in water, most prefer to stay dry and don’t actually want to be completely immersed. I mean, the indignity! How dare you mess up their hair! Most cats descended from the desert regions of the world, where they didn’t routinely go for a swim. While some wild, large cats (such as tigers) love to swim and frolic in the water to cool off, most other large cats like panthers and lions don’t want to stick their head underwater; they’ll only swim to get from point A to point B, or trying to catch their next meal.

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