New Blog Design

Well, I've been working on this in the background, intending to introduce it New Years day, 2011... but a couple of people have told me recently that they had problems using the comment system here. I'm not sure why, but my old design had an issue that I might have corrected with the new one.  The only other thing it could be is the fact that blogger has recently switched how comments are processed. I think they now go through, so perhaps the offsite comment processing causes problems with some browsers... like, if you are using Firefox with NoScript and you haven't allowed the google site.  Unfortunately, I don't have any control over how blogger processes comments.

Generally speaking, I allow all comments including blogger members (of course) plus those with an OpenID account and/or just a google account --even just Name and URL, which can be anything. Sometimes I have anonymous commenting turned on too. It comes and goes: I will allow it for a while and when I start getting cat-haters posting I turn it off again. Right now, it's on so you can comment anonymously. If you are having a problem you might want to make sure that you are selecting the correct kind of comment posting (Google/OpenID/Name-URL/Anonymous) and that you don't have scripts from this site or blocked.

Let me know what you think of the new design, anyway. :)

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