Meet and greet.

Angela Thomas

Last night I went, with my mom and Kevin's girlfriend Stefanie, to hear Angela Thomas speak at a local megachurch. I first read Do You Think I'm Beautiful? several years ago, and it changed my perspective for the better. I was really unfortunate-looking as a teen/preteen, so issues of external and even internal beauty go very deep with me. Anyway, the themes of Angela's writing and ministry resonate even more with me these days - living boldly and passionately where you are, believing that God wants to use you in a big way. She inspires me. After the event, I got to meet her and have her sign my book! :) It was thrilling.

I was actually a little relieved that the line was long and I didn't have to talk - I become a complete moron when I meet famous authors. I once went to a Justine Larbalestier book signing (for her excellent novel Liar), expecting to blend into the crowd, and about five people showed up. I'd been following Justine's blog for months, and admired her work, her knowledge of the writing craft, and her general coolness. I could have had a real, intelligent conversation with her about a number of things. Instead, I totally shut down, had no questions during the Q&A, and couldn't say more than my name at the signing table. Author Meeting Fail. In the case of Angela Thomas, we also have our faith and several other major things in common, so I probably would have sobbed incoherently on her shoulder if given the chance. LOL.

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