Links Roundup
I'm emotionally worn out today, after my water heater leaked on the coldest night of the year. (Thankfully, my dad saved the day again, and is installing a new water heater this afternoon. If not for his expertise, I would probably have to move to an apartment.) So here's a contemplative photo of Peach that I took this morning, and some Friday links. (Some of these have been in my reader for months!)
♥ A baking soda storage tip from the geniuses at Muddy's Bake Shop (I feel a sudden need for a Grasshopper cupcake).
♥ You Are Mine - a meditation on Isaiah 43 (one of my favorite passages) from a blogger who recently lost her home in a fire.
♥ Thoughts on Christian love from Tribal Wife.
♥ Tips on using Google Reader from my friend Jessica (this is very helpful!).
♥ Tips for Southerners on Surviving New England Winters. Well, I'm still in the South, but with the winter we're having, this cracked me up. Especially the Shaq snow-o-meter.
♥ Emily at Chatting at the Sky has been focusing on art (in the broad sense) and creativity and boldness, and I've been starring every post. Some of my recent favorites: Wake up and Dream; When They Don't Like Your Art; How to Live Big; 5 Ways to Guarantee Your Art Isn't A Waste of Time.
♥ The Net - an example of the importance of women's friendships. This post made me well up with thankfulness for my own Net. :)
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