Widget Cat Proud and Tall

Widget the tabby cat sits tall and proud on top of my van

Widget the former feral cat stands tall and proud, sitting atop my van - hoping for a treat. Widget is a beautiful tabby; his cousin Star Cat is just about the only other kitty as symmetrical as Widget.

Widget likes to visit my van in the morning when I feed (if he is outside). It's a place that's usually good for a handout. He's well fed by his owner, and spoiled, but that doesn't stop him from begging.


Speaking of my van, it's getting so beat up in this wet climate... rust n stuff. Ick. I basically live in that van, so it's sad to see it deteriorate. Somehow I'm going to have to find a replacement. Whatever/whenever that is, I'm sure Widget and the others will be there to take advantage of it. :)

Oh! Widget has his face on a realcats Tee these days... He's "Green Eyes Cat" over there on the sidebar... well, he's there as I write this anyway. It depends on when you read this post whether he's still there or not. Heh. Anyway, if you can talk a bunch of your friends into getting a Widget t-shirt maybe he can finally have a less rusty van to sit on. :)

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