Top 10 pet medical conditions!

According to Veterinary Pet Insurance's database of more than 485,000 insured pets:

1. Ear infection
2. Skin allergy
3. Skin infection/hot spots
4. Gastritis/vomiting
5. Enteritis/diarrhea
6. Arthritis
7. Bladder infection
8. Soft tissue trauma
9. Non-cancerous tumor
10. Hypothyroidism

1. Lower urinary tract disease
2. Gastritis
3. Chronic renal failure
4. Hyperthyroidism
5. Diabetes
6. Enteritis/diarrhea
7. Skin allergy
8. Periodontitis/dental disease
9. Ear infection
10. Upper respiratory infection

Exotic pets
1. Bowel obstruction
2. Gastritis/vomiting
3. Bladder infection
4. Upper respiratory infection
5. Eye infection
6. Cancerous tumor requiring surgery
7. Arthritis
8. Skin inflammation
9. Skin abscess or pressure ulcer
10. Inflammation of hair follicles

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