You are now free to roam about the craft room.

(a page I did in 2009 - trip to historic St. Augustine)

I finally started scrapbooking again! I used to be very into scrapbooking, but haven't been in the mood for a long time. This week I had the shocking realization that my main reason for not scrapbooking is cleanliness. Isn't that sad when I have an ENTIRE ROOM just for crafty purposes? It never feels worth it to take out all the supplies I need, do one or two pages, and then put it all away. Ideally, organized better than it was when I found it. :P

I have this mindset that, with no one messing up my house, there's no excuse for not keeping things in pristine condition at all times. I do like it that way. But I need to stop "curating my domestic museum" and live once in a while. What's the worst that could happen? Someone comes over unexpectedly and sees one room NOT looking like a catalog? Or I have to spend a little time tidying up before company comes?

So I'm trying something crazy. Instead of putting everything neatly away from scrapbooking the other day, I left it out. The next night, when I had an hour or so and was in the mood for more scrapbooking, I picked up where I left off... and took out more stuff and left that out too. I felt so free and rebellious! Caution to the wind! Creativity unlocked! Imperfection embraced!

Besides, most of the stuff for my garage sale is stacked up in that room anyway. :)

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