Newest Wyatt Book Available Soon!

I'm pretty excited to announce that the next Wyatt book will be out in a matter of days and the new one is better than ever. Pam Gardner has some amazing illustrations to go along with the story about Wyatt learning how to be organized. In case you're wondering about the inspiration for the latest of Wyatt's adventures, I've used both my counseling and parenting experience to come up with a story. Wyatt, you see can't seem to get himself organized and just about misses the school bus every morning. That's not the only problem though. Because of his disorganization, he disappoints friends and inconveniences himself as well. A helpful teacher, Mrs. Wilson, gets him on track and soon he is the first rather than the last dog at the bus stop. This is a great story for kids and parents to begin a discussion about getting organized for school, sports events or even vacation. Wyatt learns that being organized doesn't take the fun out of his day, instead it allows him time for fun! Hope you'll check out the newest book on Wyatt's website: Wyatt website

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