Treatment Options and Considerations for Hyperthyroid Cats

The underlying cause of the thyroid tumors (adenomatous hyperpla­sia, adenoma, or carcinoma) associated with feline hyperthyroidism is not known. Because sponta­neous remission of hyperthyroidism in cats does not occur, the aim of treatment is to control the excessive secretion of thyroid hormone from the adenomatous thyroid gland.

The 4 Treatment Options 

In cats, hyper­thyroidism can be treated in four ways — surgical thyroidectomy, radioactive io­dine (131-I), chronic administration of an antithy­roid drug, or lifelong feeding of an ultra-low iodine diet. Each form of treatment has advantages and disadvantages, which must be considered when formulating the best treatment plan for the individual hyperthyroid cat.

Formulating the Best Form of Treatment for Each Cat

The treatment of choice for an individual cat depends on several factors, including the age of the cat, presence of associated cardiovascular dis­eases or other major medical problems (e.g., chronic kidney disease), availability of a skilled surgeon or radioiodine treatment facility, and owner's preference.

The cost of therapy is a major consideration for many cat owners. Medical treatment or use of low-iodine dietary therapy costs far less initially. However, the cost of ongoing monitoring can exceed that of thyroidectomy or radioiodine therapy over a period of many months to years.

Cure versus Control of Hyperthyroidism

Of the four forms of treatment avail­able, it must be emphasized that only surgery and radioactive iodine remove and destroy the thyroid tumors, respectively, and thereby "cure" the hyper­thyroid state.

Use of an antithyroid drug (e.g., methimazole or carbimazole) will block thyroid hormone synthesis. And chronic feeding of an iodine deficient diet will reduce the production of T4 and T3 by the thyroid tumor. However, because antithyroid drugs and low-iodine diets do not de­stroy the hyperthyroid cat’s thyroid tumor(s), hyperthyroidism will recur once antithyroid drugs or dietary therapy is discontinued.

Outline of Treatment

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be discussing each of the four treatment options for hyperthyroidism in some detail. In my next post, however, l will review a frequently neglected but very important part of any of the treatment options — that is, providing the hyperthyroid cat with proper nutrition and adequate amounts of water.

Hyperthyroid cats develop many muscle wasting as well as many metabolic complications because of their disease. Therefore, they have special dietary needs and require a high-quality nutrients in their daily diet including adequate amounts of water, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals.

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  9. Mooney CT, Peterson ME: Feline hyperthyroidism, In: Mooney C.T., Peterson M.E. (eds), Manual of Canine and Feline Endocrinology (Fourth Ed), Quedgeley, Gloucester, British Small Animal Veterinary Association, 2012; in press
  10. Baral R, Peterson ME: Thyroid Diseases, In: Little, S. (ed), The Cat: Clinical Medicine and Management. Philadelphia, Elsevier Saunders, 2012; in press.
  11. Peterson ME: Hyperthyroidism in cats, In: Rand, J (ed), Clinical Endocrinology of Companion Animals. New York, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012; in press.

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